The Marysville Advocate from Marysville, Kansas (2024)

I a LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CLOUGHERTY, Daily Hog MarStockyards, le Union Pacific. Phone 562-2050. A. M. to P.

Monday through Friday. 31tf FOR SALE Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire boars. Also head of open Hampshire, gilts. P-B Ranch, Frankfort, Kansas 66427. For appointment phone 913-292-4628.

31-3 FOR SALE Good-size 7-year old sorrel Shetland mare pony, well broke to ride and on cart. Irvin Rickers, 16 miles north of Marysville on Hwy. 77. Phone 645-7427. 32-1-0 A FOR SALE FOR SALE 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 2-dr.

convertible. Clean. See Jim Ungerer or call 562-3901. 30tf FOR SALE 1968 Galaxie 500. Fully equipped.

PS, PB, Air. Gulfstream aqua with white top. Ph. 562-2677. 31-2 FOR SALE '63 Chevy 2 3 speed, color, midnight blue, 327 motor, just overhauled.

Contact Mike Young, or call 744-2521. 31-2 FOR SALE 1960 Olds, rebuilt motor and new tires. 2 dr. HT. 4 year old registered gelding.

Located 3 miles north on Hogelucht Hill. Jerry Osterloh. 32-1-0 FOR SALE 1957 Chevrolet van, ton. 6 cyl. 4 spd.

transmission. 6-ft. ceiling. Overhead door. Good shape.

226-7393. 32-2-0 FOR SALE 1960 Dodge, air conditioning: 1964 Galaxie, air conditioning; 1950 Dodge, standard transmission. Phone 562-2841. 210 Laramie. 32-1-0 FOR SALE 1967 Pontiac GTO 2 dr.

hardtop, Automatic or 3- spd. Power. Vinyl interior. Clean. Reasonable.

May be seen weekends at 705 North 10th. Twila White. 32-1 FEED SEED CONT. I full INCOME time TOO SMALL? Home With or part Rawleigh Service Plan, many earning $3 hourly and up. Write giving phone Ray Harris, Rawleigh Freeport, or call 815-232-4161 from 8 to 4:30.

32-1 MarStockyards, HELP WANTED MAID WAITRESS PART TIME COOK Apply in person Pacific Hotel Coffee Shop 48 hours a week, 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Phone 562-2339, call between 7:30 A.

M. and 5:30 P. M. 32-1 Training TRUCK DRIVERS If you have a good driving record, good health, like to drive and would like to earn a bigger pay check, we are training men to drive semi tractor trailers, local and over the road. No experience necessary.

For application and interview, call 816-753-8104, or write Advance Systems, 930 North Chestnut Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri 64120. EXCELLENT OP. PORTUNITIES FOR VETERANS AND IN SERVICE PERSONNEL. 31-2 HELP WANTED Man to work Wanted Wanted WANTED--Your savings are insured up to $20,000 at the Peoples Savings and Loan Association, Marysville. Kansas.

6tt WANTED TO BUY Used guns for cash. Merlyn Schwarz, Route 3, Marysville, Kansas, 562-3934. 23tf WANTED TO BUY Antiques of all kinds for my shop. Furniture, dolls, dishes, watches, jewelry, primitives, etc. I will also buy entire estates.

Mrs. Carl Ott. 411 South 15th 562-3501 or 562- 2446. 29-4 WANTED Pillows to clean, sterilize, deodorize, and new ticking. One day only.

Holiday Laundry, Blue Rapids, Kansas. August 13. 31-2 WORK WANTED Painting, windows puttied, gutters cleaned, leaks repaired or what have you. Reasonable, WANTED Lady between ages of 65-70 to live in as companion to local woman. Must furnish references.

Call 562-3585. 32-2 WANTED Someone to cut and bale approximately 30 acres brome grass at Marysville airport. Call 562-3171. 32-1 WANTED Ironings to do in my home. Experienced.

Mrs. Roy Locke. Call 562-2688. 32-2-0 Services Offered WELL DRILLING with new air rotary equipment. wells made in any formation (even quicksand) with either plastic or metal well casing.

All wells gravel packed, Test holes, $1.00 per foot. Phone collect 226-7353 GERALD STRADER Blue Rapids, Kansas 401f GUARANTEED FRONT END ALIGNMENT $8.50. Buy 3 shocks and get the 4th for 99c. National brand. See Melvin 'at Firestone.

32tf WELL DRILLING All sizes and types of casings. Call collect. STRADER DRILLING Phone 226-7276, Blue Rapids. 32-52-0 DRINKING Problem in your home? Write Alanon, Box 371. If you want a drink, that's your business.

If you want to quit, write Box 443, Marysville, Kansas. 11tf When Building or Remodeling, Complete Service in Kitchen Cabinets, Appliances Plumbing Fixtures, See The Fairbury Planing Mill 5th Fairbury, Neb. 68352 51tf Free Estimates- Cities Country TREE SERVICE Spraying Trimming Topping Surgery and Repairing Phone 562-3397 Marysville, Kansas 31tf PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR. Shan Dunlap, 1519 Washington Phone 223-3163, Beatrice. Neb.

9ti ALFERS ELECTRIC Electric heat, residential and farmstead wiring. Done at a reasonabie rate. Phone 736-2899 BARNEY ALFERS Axtell, Kansas 5tf MARSHALL COUNTY INFIRMARY has vacancies for residents, both private and welfare. Inquiries Welcome. Telephone 562-3631 1906 North Street Marysville, Kansas 32-4 Walter Construction Concrete Work of all kinds CHARLES WALTER Greenleaf Barnes 911 INSURANCE ALL LINES DRINKCERN'S UNITED INSURANCE SERVICE 519 Broadway 562-2926 GUARANTEED Front End Alignment and Wheel Balancing.

Joe's OK Tire. Marysville. 49t1 PIANO TUNING Call Marysville 562-2249. 26-4-0 HEINZELMAN SAND GRAVEL Moved To 10 Miles South of Marysville and Two Miles West Open 8 a. m.

to 4:30 p. m. Monday through Friday Closed Saturday Call 562-3577 Plant Phone 226-7374 PERSONAL TRAVEL SERVICE See Us For All Your Transportation Needs For Information And Reservations, Call Bagby Travel And Transportation Agency 516 Ella Beatrice, Neb. Ph. (402) 228-3391 26tf SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE PILLOW CLEANING also feather beds made into pillows.

ONE DAY ONLY. HOLIDAY LAUNDRY. BLUE RAPIDS, AUGUST 13. 31-2 NOTICE Balderson Boosters 4-H Ice Cream Social, Sunday August 15, at Oketo City Hall. Serving 6-8 p.m.

Program following. 32-1-0 NOTICE Rainbow Girls Ice Cream Social, August 12. United Methodist Church. 0.30 to 9 P. M.

Ice Cream, 10c a dip, Cake and Drink available. 32-1 SOCIAL NOTICES SOCIAL NOTICE -Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Pitsch will be honored on their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house at 2 p. Sunday, August 15 at their home.

All friends and relatives are vited to attend. They request, no gifts. 32-1-0 at Fostoria Community Center, Fostoria, by their children. They request no gifts. 32-1-0 SOCIAL NOTICE Mr.

and Mrs. Henry B. Meyer of Beatrice, Nebraska, will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary with an open house on Sunday, August 15, 1971, from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. at St.

Paul's Lutheran church, 10th and High, Beatrice, Nebraska. All friends and. relatives are invited without further notice. The honorees request no gifts. 32-1 SOCIAL NOTICE An invitation is extended to all relatives and friends of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Webster to an open house on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Sunday, August 15 p. m. Card Of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We want all relatives, friends and neighbors, Dr. Hughes, nurses, for cards, flowers, acts of kindness; also Compton.

Mrs. Downard. and Miss Grauer at time of death of Chris Cobb. Mother, Mrs. Anna Cobb.

daughters. Belinda, and Mrs. Roy Gieck, brother and sisters. 32-1-0 CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to friends and rela-1 tives visits, for remembering me with cards and gifts while was hospital. Also thanks to Thomas and Hughes Doctothe and members of the hospital staff.

A special thanks to the neighbors and relatives who did the plowing during my convalescence. Arthur Seematter. 32-1-0 CARD OF THANKS I wish to ation express for my the thanks and thoughtfulness appreci- of relatives, friends, hospital staff and a special thanks to Dr. Laws, while I was in the hospital. Everyone was very kind.

Kenneth Mason. 32-1-0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our many friends and relatives for the beau-1 tiful floral offerings, cards and many other deeds of kindness during the loss of our loved one. May God bless all of you who remembered us. Family of William Keating. 32-1-0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their prayers.

cards, flowers, food and any other acts of kindness shown to us after Elaine's accident and at the time of her death. A special thanks to Father Croughwell, Father Lickteig, Father Cooper and Sister Donna for their comfort. The Mullen-Sedlacek families. 32-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank relatives a and friends for their visits and cards. Special thanks to Drs.

Kelley and Lawless, the hospital staff, nurses and nurses' aides for excellent care both during recent and mthe previous hospitalization. Also, thanks to Father Lickteig for his visits and prayers. Their kindness was greatly appreciated. Pat Hellse. 32-1 CARD OF THANKS Thank' you to my friends and relatives for cards, calls, and visits; also thanks to Dr.

Laws and the hospital staff for their care while I was in the hospital. May God bless you all. Emma Koepp. 32-1 CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all my friends and relatives for the and letters, and other kindnesses during my stay in the hospital at Concordia. Emil F.

Meinecke. 32-1 CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all my relatives friends for cards. flowers and visits, Rev. Maurer for his visit prayers, also the Do Good and Goiden Years clubs for their kindnesses during my hospital stay and while recuperating. Mrs.

Herman Bargmann. 32-1-0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all of our relatives, neighbors and friends for the food, visits, flowers, cards and many other acts, of kindness shown us at the time of our mother's death. The Ed Knowles family. 32-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Pastor Bitter for his prayers and visits while I was hospitalized and at home. Also, to the blood donors, relatives friends for the flowers, visits and well wishes.

Your kindness will never be forgotten. Mrs. Elizabeth Crome. 32-1 Summerfield Rites Sunday For Mrs. Florence Knowles, 79 Mrs.

Florence Knowles, 79, Summerfield, died Pawnee Wednesday, August 4, 1971, at She was born October 19, 1891 at Morrill, the daughter of John and Mary Kreuchi. While a young girl, she moved with her family to the farm northwest of Summerfield. She joined the Methodist church in Bookwalter. when was 12 years old. March 8.

1911. she was married to Edward L. Knowles. They spent all their years together in Summerfield area, and were the parents of seven children. Two children, two brothers, and her parents preceded her in death.

She is survived by her husband. Ed Knowles; five sons, Kenneth Knowles, Omaha, Everett Knowles, Anaheim, Howard Knowles, Summerfield: Elmer Knowles, Omaha. and Ivan Knowles, Summerfield: a foster daughter, Crystal chi, Salt Lake City, Utah; 12 grandchildren: seven step-granddren: three sisters, Mrs. Nellie, children, plus 11 at Cyphers, Summerfield; Mrs. Mamie Bookwalter, Barneston, and Mrs.

Rosie McClarnen, Axtell. Services were held Sunday afternoon, August 8. at 2 p.m. in the United Presbyterian church at Summerfield. The Rev.

Harold F. Jensen officiated. Burial was at Mission Creek cemetery. Jim Lech, Burchard, sang Rock of Ages and In the Garden accompanied by Mrs. J.

D. Cameron. Pallbearers were Loyal Shirley, Elmer Walters, Millard Smith. Virgil Braddock, Jack Lech and Dwight York. Flower girls were Mrs.

Robert Frazee and Mary Lee Evans. Monuments and Markers DELANO GRANITE, INC. Buy Direct and Save T. C. MITCHELL Local Representative 600 North 5th St.

Marysville, Kansas Phone 562-2719 Sister Mary Donata Smith, Formerly Of St. Bridget, Dies Sister Mary Donata Smith, 88, of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth died Tuesday, August 3. 1971 at Ross hall, infirmary for the aged Sisters at the Motherhouse. Delia Felicitas Smith born July 4, 1883. the ninth of 10 children of Thomas and Ellen O'Connell Smith on a farm in the St.

Bridget vicinity of Marshall county. September 8, 1907, Delia entered the novitiate at Leavenworth. She spent nearly 60 years as a high school teacher of Latin in Leavenworth and Topeka both Kansas Citys; in Denver, Butte and Billings, Mont. Her last assignment before retirement was at Falls City, Neb. Sister Mary Donata earned a bachelor's degree from Gonzaga university at Spokane, and a master's degree from Creighton university, at Omaha, both with major in Latin.

One sister survives, Sister Mary Rosalita Smith, S.C.L. also a resident of Ross Hall. Other relatives include a niece and nephews. Wilfred Smith and Mrs. Genevive Melchor both of Seneca, and Paul Smith of Axtell.

Sister Mary Donata was preceded in death by two other Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, namely, Sister Mary Oliva Smith and Sister Helen Smith together gave more than 100 years of service as nurses; and a priest brother. Father Patrick Smith. The body was removed from the funeral home to the Motherhouse at 1 p.m. Thursday where a guard of honor of more than 200 Sisters met and recited the rosary in the community room. A wake service including a homily by Father Daniel was held at 7 p.m.

and at 8 p.m. there was a rosary attended by friends and Sisters. The funeral was Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. from the Chapel of the Annunciation on the Campus of the Saint Mary college with Father Daniel O'Shea, O.S.B., officiating in a con celebrated mass. Burial was cemetery on the Motherhouse grounds.

Rites At Frankfort For Winifred Shearer Services for Winifred Shearer, Frankfort, who died July 28, 1971, in the Westmoreland hospital, were held Saturday, July 31, in the Padden chapel at Frankfort. Officiating at the rites was the Rev. C. L. Gifford, Frankfort Presbyterian pastor.

Burial was in the Frankfort cemetery. She was born October 10. 1887. in Rock township, the daughter of Andrew and Mary Shearer. After graduating from Frankfort high school in 1907, she taught Frankfort for a number of years in the school system.

During World War Ishe went to Washington, D.C., where she was employed in adjutant the general's building. At the end of war returned to Frankfort where she was employed Citizens Bank for 13 years, later was bunch in the insurance and income tax business. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star for 64 years, of the P.E.O., the Tuesday club, and was a charter member of Arthur Barrett chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Survivors include her sister, Mrs. Maynie Bush, Frankfort; a nephew and three nieces. Preceding her in death were her parents and three brothers, George, David and Herbert.

Rites Yesterday For Mrs. Emilie Bormann At Hermansberg Mrs. Emilie Bormann, 86, Bremen, died Sunday, August 8, 1971, at the Hanover hospital. Funeral services were held yesterday morning 'at 10:30 a.m. alt the Immanuel 'Lutheran church near Bremen.

The Rev. Glenn Bitter officiated at the rites. Burial was in the church cemetery, with arrangements by Hanover Funeral home. Emilie Stettnisch, daughter of the late Frank and Mary Stettnisch, was born December 16, 1884, at Bremen. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs.

Emil (Elsie) Harms, Pine Mrs. Laverne (Verna) Kruse, Bremen; three brothers, Henry Stettnisch, Enid. Paul Stettnisch, Oklahoma City, Martin nisch, Bend three sisters. Sophia Leavengood, Enid. Mrs.

Henry (Emma) Meinecke, Caney: and Mrs. Herman (Alvina) Rippe, Hanover; 12 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and one great-great-grandson. Mrs. Emma Wohler Dies At Randolph Mrs. Emma Wohler, 76, Randolph, sister of H.

J. Haller, Blue Rapids, died Saturday, August 7. 1971, in a Manhattan, hospital. were Tuesday mornServices, Methodist a.m. at the Randolph church.

Burial was in the Randolph Fancy Creek cemetery. She was born March 14, 1895, at Randolph, where she lived her entire life. Other survivors include her widower, Paul Wohler, of home; four sons. Warren Wohler, Silver Lake; Bob and Glenn Wohler, both of Randolph: Charles Wohler, Kingman; ters, Mrs. Katie Weik, Randolph; Mrs.

Alyce Springer, Riley; Mrs. Mary Scott, Midland, two sisters, Mrs. Marie Johnson. Randolph; Mrs. Lula Dettmer, Manhattan: 14 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Retired Railroader Dies At Beatrice Morris O. Boughtin, 69, Be- atrice, retired Union Pa- died cific railroad engineer, Sunday morning, August 8, 1971, in an Omaha, hospital. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Fox Funeral home in Beatrice, with burial in the Evergreen Home cemetery. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Union Pacific Old Timers club No. 28, both of Marysville, also of the Eagles and Elks lodges, both at Beatrice.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Esther Boughtin, three brothers and one sister. RITES FOR BROTHER Funeral services for William Alt, 67. Kansas City, brother of Carl Alt, Marysville, who died August 5. 1971, at Trinity Lutheran hos7 pital at the were Fulton chapel.

Born held Saturday, August in Russia he had lived in Kansas City since 1938. He retired in 1966 as road foreman of engines for the Kansas City Terminal Railways. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL NOTES Admissions: August 3 Harry Cronk, Blue Rapids. August 4 Mrs. Dennis Doebele, Hanover: Mrs.

Grace Steenson, Waterville: Mrs. Clara Kennedy, Marysville; Mrs. Nellie Morton, Frankfort. August 5 James Benkendorf, Blue Rapids; Mrs. George Stauffer.

Frankfort: Mrs. Donald Hirt, Waterville: Mrs. Merlin Wright, Home City. August 6 Maurice Malotte, Mrs. William Link, Marysville: Mrs.

Geraldine Stevens, Beattie. August 8 Miss Peggy Burger, Home City: Louis Droge, Beattie; Frank Bernadt, Marysville; Miss Maude Wilson, Miss Roberta Skillin, Blue Rapids; Mrs. Mary Butler, Marysville. August 9 Mrs. M.

R. Moser, Marysville; Mrs. Glen Kellogg, Greenleaf: Mrs. Edna Fincham, Mrs. Kenneth Kirkbride, Blue Rapids: Mrs.

Miles F. Kelley, Frankfort. August 10 Mrs. Donald Schotte, Bremen; Mrs. Vern Carlson, Vermillion.

Dismissals: August 3 Louis Duensing, Bremen. August 4 Mrs. Paul Heath and son, Summerfield: Miss Kathy Mayes, Morristown, Kenneth Mason, Beattie: Mrs. Gilbert Malmstrom, Waterville. August 5 Vernon Jeffries, Frankfort; James Benkendorf, Marysville; Mrs.

John Horigan and son, Frankfort: Henry Huston, Hanover: Alfred Heckerson, Marysville: Larry Hynek, Hanover: Mrs. Grace Steenson, Waterville. August 6 Mrs. Lois Clark, Summerfield; Timothy Svoboda. Marysville; Mrs.

Dennis Doebele and daughter, Hanover; Mrs. Emma Koepp. Mrs. Merlin Wright, Home City; Mrs. George Stauffer.

Frankfort. er, A Marysville; Mrs. Curtis MelAugust 8 Mrs. Philip Bruckcher and son, Herkimer: Maurice Malotte, Marysville; Mrs. Nellie Morton, Frankfort: Mrs.

Grace Pickett, Rapids. August 9 Rudolph Riley, Sylacuaga, Louis Droge, Beattie: Miss Peggy Burger, Home City; Fred Berger, Waterville; Mrs. Mary Butler, Marysville. August 10 Ben Begay, ado, Mrs. M.

Moser, Dick Fairchild, Marysville. Births: August 4 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Doebele, girl, Hanover. August 10 Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Schotte, boy, Bremen: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kellogg, girl, Greenleaf. MAYTAG BIG, FAMILY CAPACITY Automatics I Low cost Maytags wash big loadsFamily Stan Great for growing Operation cleaning Cantle Wash, rinse and spin for special garments and fabrics.

Water you natch water level to aim Saras Water Power Agitator Choice 2-Year Warranty On All Parts Maytag, Low Heat Dryers Maytag Dishwashers HAAR ELECTRIC 503 Broadway Marysville, Kansas Page 7-Marysville Advocate Thursday, August 12, 1971 REAL ESTATE ter A. Fink, Trustee $1.00 other 6-2-9. Maurice Evelyn Wassenberg to Robert E. Sherry Huddleston. it.

ten other tract 4-3-7. David Beverly Boyle to Theodore Suenneberg $1.00 other B2 Stouts Add (2nd) Axtell. Alvin Hazel Smart to Patrick F. Esther McMahon, jt. other L7-9 inc.

B27 McCoy Add. Beattie. Lee Caldwell, Trustee to Henry H. Clara Meyer, ten $1.00 other 4-1-10 W. A.

Louise Malloy to Frank Farrant $50.00 other 28-4-9. Frank Pearl Farrant to Wm. F. Judith Farrant, jt. ten $1.00 other 28-4-9.

Wright W. Laurene Nider to Orie Hazel Zeek, jt. ten other B17 RR Add. Waterville. Continental Oil Co.

to L. H. Travelute $500.00 tract B71 Marysville. L. H.

Carlene Travelute to Lawrence H. Carlene Travelute, jt. ten $1.00 other tract B71 Marysville. Wm. P.

Catherine Flanagan to Carrol D. Hilda Burks, $1.00 other 21-1-9 less road. Lizzie McFarland et al to M. Marjorie Harder $1.00 other LI Block Berkley Heights, Marysville. Jabez M.

Bernice Funk to Tyrus F. Maxine Thompson, it ten $1.00 other B63 Add, Marysville. Clarence J. Eilma Hogan to Geo. L.

Virginia other Park Blue Rapids. Glen Commons et al to Alfred C. Roberta Grauer, jt. other 132x165' 28- 2-7 Thelma M. Kienlen to City of Marysville $1.00 B11 Palmetto.

Martha A. Meier to City of Marysville $1.00 N88' L3 B76 Palmetto Nellie R. Zoellner et al to Leo H. jr. and Carole McCormick it.

ten $1.00 other 2-5-9. Wilfred W. Hurst et al to Marysville Inv. Co. Inc.

$1.00 other L4-6 inc. B18 Add, Marysville. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS: Rubie J. Erickson et al to Jack D. Betty Skillett, jt.

ten- $1.00 other L1-3 inc. B28 Axtell. Maggie M. Fischer to Howard Evelyn Baker, jt. ten $1.00 other L7-9 inc.

B2 Hull Max and Madelyn Turnbull to Bernice Turnbull $1.00 otherall int. 17-4-10, LA B3 Smith's Add. Vliets. LeRoy Lillian Schuchart to John Schuchart $1.00 otherL1-4 Bernice, Add. Waterville Turnbull to Max Turn bull $1.00 other 17-4-10.

Martha A. Behrens to H. Glenn WARRANTY DEEDS: Fred E. Clara Johnson to Arthur A. Mary, Wapp.

jt. ten $6000.00 26-3-9. Fred M. Lillian Ungerer to James L. Nelda Ungerer, jt.

ten other 276 8-10 681 44-100' 28-2-7. Don Hazel Breeding to Dale E. Veda McVey, jt. ten $1.00 other tract 26-2-7. Louis Mildred Holtz to Chas.

R. Graham Ruth A. Barnes, jt. ten. $1.00 other L3 B12 Beattie and all int.

in lease. Alvin Hattie Fink to Les- Behrens et al Auction FRIDAY, Starts We will sell at public auction late Kenneth K. Tobaren at the Toburen farm, 10 miles south 25-2-7 (res. life estate) Donald L. Roche to Marjorie A Roche $1.00 other all int.

B16 East Blue Rapids. Articles of Incorporation: Secretary of State to Knob Hill Water Assoc, Inc. Secretary of State to Artistic Plastic of Axtell, Inc. Eastment: Albert V. Leona Huerter to Norma C.

McLeod utility ease on L11 12 B54 Palmetto. LEASE: Russell M. Hamilton to Heinzelman Const. Co. 18-4-7 of river.

ADMINISTRATOR'S DEED: Rowland Edwards, Adm, Est. of Faye Foster. to Gleed and Clara Gronquist, jt. ten $1,525 L32 Lincoln Blue Rapids. RIGHT OF WAY: Cecil E.

Emma McMahon to Ciy of Marysville $1.00 other tract 27-2-7 for storm sewer SISTER DIES IN IOWA Mrs. Cecil J. Lash, Cherokee. Iowa, sister of Mrs. Charles Davison, Marysville, died July 30, 1971.

Funeral services and burial were held there August 2. (First published The Marysville Advocate, Thursday, August 12, 1971) STATE OF KANSAS. MARSHALL COUNTY. SS: IN THE PROBATE COURT OF SAID COUNTY AND STATE Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM ROLLIE STUMP. Deceased Case No.

3,846 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said court by Harold H. Stump, administrator of the estate of William Rollie stump. deceased. praying for final settlement of said estate, approval of his accounts as administrator, allowances for his attorneys' fees and expenses, also that the court determine the heirs of said decedent and assign to them the real estate and personal' property remaining in said estate, and you are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 18rd of September, 1971, at o'clock a. m.

of said day, in said court, in the City of Marysville, at which time, and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said petition. HAROLD H. STUMP. Petitioner Galloway, Wiegers, Sprouse and Heeney Marysville, Kansas Attorneys for Petitioner.

32-3 Subject to Confirmation Continental Grain Home, Ks. 799-2865 Collect WHEAT 1.32 WHITE CORN 1.26 YELLOW CORN 1.28 MILO 1.92 BEANS 2.98 OATS .70 FOR SALE Northrup King alfalfa seed -high protein, fast regrowth. Gerald J. Gerdes, west of State Line Lutheran church. 402-674-3376.

30-3-0 FOR SALE Approximately 30 acres prairie hay. See W. J. Koppes, RFD No. 3, Marysville, Ph.

562-3918. 31-2 WANTED HOUSEWIVES Earn extra in your spare time showmoney ing the BRANDEIS TOYS AND GIFTS on the home party plan. No delivering no collecting. Excellent earnings and advantages. Contact Tylene Maguire, 108 N.

11th, Wymore, Nebraska. Evenings phone 645-3224. Days call Kay Randolph collect 402-341-8666. 31-4 HELP WANTED For Night Shift 11 p. m.

to 7 a. m. CUMMINGS REST HOME 562-2413 306 S. 13th 30-2 BACK TO COLLEGE Causes need for both Part and Full Time Help at SKYLINE TRUCK STOP Also Cook and Waitress at Skyline Cafe MOTHERS, HOUSEWIVES. Here is a job you can handle.

Playhouse Toy Counselor. August-December. Commission plus bonus. No deliveries No collecting. Al.

supplies and hostess gifts furnished. No experience needed. Free training. Sign early, earn up to $114 free toys. Darla Smith, 1107 N.

13th, Beatrice, 228-1320. 29tf HELP WANTED Nursing home belp. Kraemer's Rest Home, Phone 562-3476. SOt BULLDOZER, SCRAPER OPERATORS Experience not necessary, good physical condition mandatory. High earnings after short training.

Call Ohio Valley Personnel Officer, (316) 264-8301 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Monday through Friday.

32-3 WANTED Man to work on farm. Herman Bott. Palmer, Kansas, Telephone Palmer 305. 17tf MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Largest Stock in Northeast Kansas G. A.

STEWART MONUMENT CO. 1016 Broadway Marysville, Kansas PHONE 562-3691 or 562-2378 27tf Sale AUGUST 20 at 10:00 A. M. east of the Swede Creek Church on gravel road. 515 Acres Riley County Land ALL 3 FARMS WILL BE SOLD AT TRACT NO.

1 LOCATION the following farms owned by the home known as the old August and 4 east of Waterville, Kansas, or 2 TRACT NO. 1 of 18-6-7. tract 4 in S. E. of 18-6-7 and N.

W. of the S. W. of Legal Description, tract 2 in N. 15.

of 18-6-7. N. E. of the S. E.

17-6-7 in Riley County, Kansas, Swede Creek improved with frame house, barn, chicken house, hog house, cattle modern shed, machine shed. silo, hay barn, corrals, lots, pond, good well with water piped to house and lots, 80 acres creek bottom, balance in grass building site, 155 acres more or less, wheat allotment is 4.1, seed base 43 acres. conserving base 20 acres. Possession of 9 acres wheat ground sale, balance 1st of March, 1972, has 20 acres growing alfalfa. TRACT Legal Description is the N.

E. Swede Creek Twp. All grass, 160 Possession of this farm October 10, NO. of 17-6-7 in Riley County, Kansas, acres more or less, pond, well fenced. 1971, TRACT NO.

111 Legal Description. E. of the S. E. of 17-6-7.

E. the N. E. of 17-6-7. and S.

W. of the N. E. of 17-6-7 all Swede Creek Riley County, Kansas. All grass, 200 acres, more or less.

Well fenced. ponds and well with mill. Possession October 10. 1971. Terms, down day of sale, balance in 30 days or when abstract is delivered.

Sellers to pay 1971 and all prior years taxes. down payment to be escrowed in the Union State Bank at Olsburg. Kansas. Buyer and sellers each to half of escrow charges. with present tenant's rights to harvest growing crops.

These farms will sell separately. then as a unit, selling whichever way they bring the most dollars. Will sell to highest bidders sale day, Your inspection invited prior to sale. Statements and announcements made sale day shall take precedent of any printed matter. HEIRS OF THE LATE KENNETH K.

TOBUREN Clerk, Union State Bank, Olsburg, Kansas. Auctioneer, Foster Kretz Auction Service, Clay Center, Kansas, Phone, Morganville WA 6-4422..

The Marysville Advocate from Marysville, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.