Minimum Quantity: `, AlternativeProductsLabel: `Alternative Products`, UnitOfSale: `Unit of Sale`, ViewMoreResultsText: `View More Results`, FilterTitle: `Filters`, GTINLabel: `GTIN`, ProductDimensionsTableTitle: `Dimensions`, RelatedProductsLabel: `Related Products`, ProductColourOptions: `Colour Options`, }, Ecommerce: { AddNoteToOrderLabel: `Add Note`, AddressState: `State (US only)`, AddressLine3Label: `Address Line 3`, InvalidPhoneNumberMessage: `Phone numbers in this format will not be accepted by the payment provider.`, AddressLine3Required: `Address Line 3 is required`, TradeVATNumberLabel: `VAT Number`, PersonEmailLabel: `Email Address`, SaveAndEmailPurchaser: `Save Changes and Email the Purchaser`, TradeCompanyNameRequired: `Company Name is required`, FullNameRequired: `Full Name is required`, MessageRequired: `Message is required`, AddressPostcodeLabel: `Postcode`, AddressCountyRequired: `County is required`, PersonPhoneLabel: `Phone`, AddressEditHeading: `Edit Address`, PersonFullNameLabel: `Name`, TradeRegisterButtonText: `Send`, TradeAccountcodeRequired: `Account Code is required`, InternalStockNotificationProductName: `Name`, PersonEmailRequired: `Email Address is required`, PersonSalutationLabelRequired: `Title is required`, PersonEmailConfirmRequired: `Confirm Email Address is required`, PersonPhone1Required: `Telephone is required`, AddressLine4Required: `Town/City is required`, CurrencyISOLabel: `Currency`, TradeRegisterCompanyWebsite: `Website`, InternalStockNotificationProductStockCode: `Stock Code`, PersonFaxLabel: `Fax`, RequestTradeLoginDetailsTitle: `Request Trade Login Details`, InternalStockNotificationDescription: `A customer with the following email has requested a stock notification for a product:`, PoweredByShopfrontLabel: `Powered by Shopfront `, TradeCompanyNameLabel: `Company Name`, AddressPostalName: `Company Name (if applicable)`, AuthorisationText: `Authorisation`, AddressLine1Required: `Address Line 1 is required`, PersonLastNameLabel: `Last Name`, TradeAccountCodeLabel: `Account Code`, ContactUsTitle: `Contact Us`, ConsignmentNumber: `Consignment Number`, DeliveryAddressesEmptyMessage: `Account has no delivery addresses`, AddressCountyLabel: `County`, AddressPostcodeRequired: `Postcode is required`, InternalStockNotificationEmailAddress: `Email Address`, TradeCompanyNumberLabel: `Company Number`, PersonSalutationLabel: `Title`, AddressPostcodeInvalidMessage: `your postcode is invalid`, TradeCompanyDetails: `Company Details`, TradeRegisterTitle: `VIP Online Account Registration`, AddressLine2Required: `Address Line 2 is required`, PersonLastNameRequired: `Last Name is required`, AddressLegend: `Edit Address`, TradeVATNumberRequired: `VAT Number is required`, AddressStateRequiredMessage: `Two-letter state code is required`, AddressPostalNameRequired: `Postal Name is required`, PersonPhone1Label: `Contact Number`, PersonPhone2Label: `Mobile`, AddressEditRequestFormButton: `Submit Request`, PersonNameRequired: `Name is required`, AddressNewHeading: `Add New Address`, TradeEORINumberLabel: `EORI Number`, AddressAddButtonText: `Add New Address`, PersonFirstNameRequired: `First Name is required`, PersonFirstNameLabel: `First Name`, PersonEmailConfirmLabel: `Confirm Email Address`, AddressEditRequestButton: `Request Address Change`, InternalStockNotificationReplenished: `They will receive an email when stock is replenished.`, NoPreviouslyStoredPaymentDetailsMessage: `You have no previously stored payment details.`, FullNameLabel: `Full Name`, AddressEditRequestHeading: `Edit Address Request`, PersonEmailConfirmMismatch: `Email addresses do not match`, AddressCountryRequired: `Country is required`, ContactNameLabel: `Contact Name`, TradeCompanyNumberRequired: `Company Number is required`, AddressCountryLabel: `Country`, AddressPostcodeRequiredMessage: `Please enter your full postcode.`, CreditLimitLabel: `Credit Limit`, AddressLine1Label: `Address Line 1`, AddressLine4Label: `Town/City`, AddressLine2Label: `Address Line 2`, }, Accounts: { YourTopProductsHeader: `Your Top Products`, CreditNoteDateLabel: `Credit Note Date`, FetchingOrders: `Fetching Orders`, PurchaserAccountManagerLabel: `Account Manager`, DealerSearchTitle: `Dealer Search`, AccountSearchAll: `All`, AccountLegend: `Account Details`, CreditNoteListHeading: `Credit Notes`, PurchaserDefaultAddress: `Default Delivery Address`, DealerSearchSearchSelectPostcode: `Postcode`, EditContactDetailsLink: `Edit contact details`, AccountSearchDisplaying: `Currently Displaying`, DealerSearchSearchBoxPlaceholder: `Search`, SplitOrderHeader: `Split Order?`, TrackOrderHeader: `Track Order`, ThankYouHeader: `Thank You`, AvailableCredit: `Available Credit`, CreditNoteNumberLabel: `Credit Note Number`, DefaultHeading: `Account Overview`, DealerSearchAdminNewCreatedInfo: `New Dealer(s) created. To added further details, click view list and edit the dealers individually.`, SavedOrder: `Saved Order`, DealerSearchAdminNoResults: `No dealers found.`, SavedOrders: `Saved Orders`, NoMoreStatementLinesText: `No more Statement Lines`, AccountBookmarks: `Bookmarks`, NewAccountTitle: `Add New Account`, PriceListHeading: `Download Price List`, PurchaserNameLabel: `Purchaser Name`, NameLabel: `name`, AccountTypeLabel: `Account Type`, InvoicePaymentAmountLabel: `Payment Amount`, FetchingProducts: `Fetching Products`, FavouritesRemove: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderTitle: `Re-Order`, OrderTrackingHeading: `Tracking Information`, FavouritesAdd: ``, FavouriteIcon: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderLabel: `Re-Order Qty`, AccountPaymentIcon: ``, AgentSelectAccountButtonText: `Change Account`, AccountOnHoldNote: `Please Note: your account is on hold, you cannot place any orders`, DiscountBandLabel: `Discount Band`, AccountSpindleStatement: `Download Statement`, CreditNotesLinkLabel: `View Outstanding Credit Notes`, UserEditHeading: `Change Password`, SavedOrderUnavailable: `Saved orders are not available.`, PleaseContact: `Please contact`, EditAddressButtonText: `Edit`, AgentSearchForLabel: `Search for`, AccountStatusClosed: `Closed`, AccountNotApprovedMessage: `Our product catalogue will be available once your account has been approved.`, DealerSearchSearchSelectName: `Name`, EditAccountTitle: `Edit Account`, DealerSearchSelectInStore: `In Store`, BalanceLabel: `Balance`, AccountStatusApproved: `Approved`, EditPurchaserDetails: `Edit User Details`, CreditNoteCopyHeading: `Copy Credit Note`, DealerSearchSellInStore: `Sell In Store`, ShippingQuoteRequiredLabel: `Shipping Quote Required`, SubscribeLabel: `Subscribe`, PurchaserListHeading: `Edit Purchasers`, ViewOrderDetailsButtonText: `View Details`, AddressListHeading: `Edit Address Book`, AccountStatusLabel: `Account Status`, DealerSearchAdminViewOnMap: `View on Map`, CreditNoteNothingToDisplayLabel: `No Credit Notes to Display`, DocumentNotFound: `Document Not Found`, AgentAccountSelectTitle: `Agent account select`, RootDepartmentLabel: `Root Department`, PurchaserEditLoggedInHeading: `Edit Your Contact Details`, EditOrderButtonText: `Edit Order`, PurchaserLegend: `Purchaser Details`, AccountSelectButtonText: `Select`, AccountRegistrationPinRequired: `Registration PIN is required`, AccountStatusOnHold: `On Hold`, DealerLabel: `Dealer`, ManagerText: `Manager`, FavouritesTradeOverviewIcon: ``, PurchaserNewHeading: `Add New Purchaser`, AccountTopProducts: `Your Top Products`, AccountPaymentLabel: `Account Payment`, DealerSearchEditDealerDetails: `Dealer Details`, AccountDetailsUnavailableMessage: `Unavailable`, EditAccountHeader: `Edit Account`, AccountLinkSelectAccountIcon: ``, AdminIcon: ``, UsernameLabel: `Username`, AccountAccountNameLabel: `Company Name`, AccountRequestSuccessMessage: `Your request has been submitted, a member of our staff will contact you shortly.`, InvoiceTotal: `Total Amount`, DealerSearchAdminAddressDetails: `Address Details`, DealerSearchAdminViewList: `View Dealers List`, AccountAccountCodeRequired: `Account Code is required`, DealerSearchAdminCreateNew: `Create New Dealer(s)`, PasswordLabel: `Password`, RegistrationDetailsText: `Registration Details`, AccountLinkSelectAccount: `Select Account`, RepeatOrderButtonText: `Repeat Order`, AccountNotApprovedHeading: `Account Awaiting Approval`, CreditNotesIcon: ``, NewAccountHeader: `Add New Account`, QuotedOrdersLabel: `Quoted Orders`, DisplayOrderHeader: `Display Order?`, AgentCartInterceptIcon: ``, AccountOverCreditLimitText: `Please Note: your account has exceeded the credit limit, your order has been accepted.`, AddressListIcon: ``, FavouritesTitle: `Favourites`, DealerSearchAdminSelectAccount: `Select Account`, AccountTopProductsIcon: ``, DealerSearchPageHeading: `Find your Dealer`, DealerSearchAdminBrandTitle: `Dealer Brands`, EmailLabel: `email`, InvoiceEMailAddressLabel: `Invoice Email Address`, RequestAccountStatus: `Request Status`, DealerSearchAllBrands: `All Brands`, AddressEditMessage: `Please contact us to modify your invoice address.`, DownloadProductStockReportLink: `Download Product Levels`, DownloadProductStockReportIcon: ``, SectionHeading: `Your Account`, ViewInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoicePaymentAmount: `Amount to Pay`, AccountStatusNew: `New`, TrackYourOrderText: `Track Your Order`, DeliveryAddressLegend: `Delivery Address`, InvoiceNumberLabel: `Invoice Number`, BalanceHeading: `Pay Outstanding Balance by Credit Card`, AccountMenuTitle: `My Account`, PurchaserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, DealerSearchVisibleOnWeb: `Visible On Website`, OrderListIcon: ``, PurchaserEditHeading: `Edit Contact Details`, DealerSearchAdminDealerLogo: `Dealer Logo`, AccessPageIcon: ``, DeliveryPostcodeLabel: `Delivery Postcode`, TopProductsItemsPerPageLabel: `Items per page`, AccountBookmarkRemove: `Remove`, InvoiceOutstandingLabel: `Outstanding Amount`, DealerSearchModalTitle: `Details`, SavedOrdersIcon: ``, InvoiceDateLabel: `Invoice Date`, AccountDiscountPercentage: `Discount Percentage`, OrderListHeading: `Order History`, AgentCanOverridePricesText: `Agent Can Override Prices`, SelectAnAccountLabel: `Select an account`, CreateAnAccountHeader: `Create An Account`, SpecialDiscountBandLabel: `Special Discount Band`, RequestAnAccountTitle: `Request An Account`, ShippingQuotesText: `Shipping Quotes`, ShippingQuotesIcon: ``, SpindleInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoiceListIcon: ``, AccountRegistrationPinUnrecognised: `Incorrect Registration PIN`, UserDetailsText: `User Details:`, DealerSearchCurrentLocationTitle: `Use Current Location`, AccessPageLabel: `to access this page.`, AdminLinkText: `Site Admin`, OrderListBackButton: `Back to Order History`, AgentSelectAccountBarLabel: `Purchasing for:`, AccountVatRegistrationNumberLabel: `Vat Registration Number`, PriceListLabel: `PriceList`, OnlyAllowDefaultDeliveryAddress: `Only Allow Default Delivery Address`, CreditNoteViewPdfLabel: `Copy`, DocumentNotFoundPleaseContact: `Document Not Found please contact `, DealerSearchAdminEditDetails: `Edit Details`, DisplayOrderInformation: `Display Order Information`, YourFriendsDetailsHeader: `Your Friend\'s Details`, InvoiceAddressLegend: `Invoice Address`, DealerSearchEditTitle: `Edit Dealer`, DealerSearchAdminAddMore: `Add More Dealers`, UnsubscribeLabel: `Unsubscribe`, ManagerEmailText: `Manager Email`, EditDetailsText: `Edit Details`, OrderTrackingBackButton: `Back to Orders`, AccountFavourites: `Favourites`, DeliveryContactLabel: `Delivery Contact`, DealerSearchAdminNewCreated: `New dealer(s) created`, AddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, DealerSearchModalOpenButton: `View Dealer`, OrderDeliveryAddressLabel: `Select Address`, AccountRequestSuccessTitle: `Account request successful`, DealerSearchLoadMoreButton: `Load More`, AccountSpindleStatementIcon: ``, AccountNameLabel: `Account Name`, DealerSearchWesbiteLabel: `Website`, SpecialPriceListLabel: `Special Price List`, DeliveryAddressCollectionLegend: `Delivery Addresses`, PurchasersEmptyMessage: `Account has no purchasers`, NoMoreOrders: `No more orders to display`, AccountRegistrationPinLabel: `Registration PIN`, TopProductsSortLabel: `Sort By`, DealerSearchDirectionsButton: `Get Directions`, DealerSearchIcon: ``, AccountAccountCodeLabel: `Account Code`, AgentCartInterceptLabel: `Agent Cart Intercept`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessage: `This Credit Note is not currently available to view online.`, InvoiceListHeading: `View Outstanding Invoices`, PurchaserDetailsLabel: `User Details`, SavedOrderAddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, EmailNotificationAcceptedAgreements: ` accepted the following Agreements:`, RegisterCompleteButtonText: `Complete`, CancelOrderButtonText: `Cancel Order`, DealerSearchSellOnWeb: `Sell On Web`, CreditLabel: `Credit Limit`, RegisterHeading: `Register`, AccountRepresentativeEmail: `Account Representative Email`, DealerSearchAdminAddNew: `Add New Dealer`, NextOrderButtonText: `Next »`, RemoveAddressButtonText: `Remove`, NoMoreInvoices: `No invoices to display`, DealerSearchSelectOnline: `Online`, DealerSearchSelectPlaceholder: `Please Select a Dealer Type`, AccountAccountNameRequired: `Account Name is required`, CreditNoteTotalAmountLabel: `Total Amount`, CSVOrderUploadLink: `CSV Order Upload`, CSVOrderUploadIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInHeading: `Change Your Password`, FavouriteAccountOverviewIcon: ``, DealerSearchAdminSelectAddresses: `Select Addresses`, ProfileText: `Profile`, SelectAccountLabel: `Select Account`, DealerSearchAdminTitle: `Dealer List`, AccountOverviewCustomBlockIcon: ``, QuotedShippingText: `Quote Shipping`, AccountContactNameLabel: `Contact Name`, AccountBalanceLabel: `Account Balance`, SettlementDiscoutLabel: `Early Settlement Discount`, AccountStatementHeading: `Account Statement`, DealerSearchSelectAll: `All (In Store or Online)`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessagePt2: `accounts for a copy Credit Note.`, CreditNoteBalanceLabel: `Balance`, EditCartLabel: `Edit Cart`, AccountRepresentative: `Account Representative`, PurchaserListIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, AccountCreatedLabel: `Account Created`, FindInvoiceButton: `Find Invoice`, PurchaserIsManagerYes: `Yes`, PriceListIcon: ``, PreviousOrderButtonText: `« Previous`, TrackTitle: `Track`, PurchaserIsManagerNo: `No`, }, Sales: { CheckoutTableName: `Name`, CheckoutTablePrice: `Price`, VoucherMessageRequiredMessage: `Please enter your message`, CheckoutPaymentDeclined: `Payment Declined`, CardNameRequired: `Card Holder Name is required`, DealerSearchBlurb: `Use the map below to find a dealer near you.`, CheckoutVATStepCheckBoxLabel: `I would like this order to be treated as a business to business sale within the European Community excluding VAT`, V12BDDeposit: `Deposit`, BasketMessageUpsellTitle: `You May Also Like`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceListHeader: `Invoice Allocations`, OrderQuotedEmailHeader: `Your Order has been quoted. `, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart2: `for quoting. Once this has been done, you will be able to accept or reject the quote on the website by visiting \'the My Account\' section`, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart1: `Your Order has been sent to `, OrderPlacedText: `Placed`, QuoteThankYouMessage: `Your quote has been sent to the account manager. Following approval, the order will be placed with `, OrderDeleted: `Order Deleted`, BarcodeScannerModalReloadBtn: `Reload Basket`, AlternativeAddressLinkText: `Enter new delivery address`, ReceiptDelivery: `Delivery`, OrderInProgress: `In Progress`, SavedOrderTotalLabel: `Order Amount`, OrderOnAccountButtonText: `Place Order on Account`, ConfirmOrderMessage: `Your order total may have been updated to include VAT and delivery costs. Please check the order total below before proceeding with your order.`, BasketMessageTitle: `Added to Basket`, BundleItemName: `Product Name`, ProductAddedToBasketMessage: `Your Product have been added to Basket. View Basket?`, ThisAddressLinkText: `Deliver to this address`, V12SelectionLabel: `Click to select the finance product with the lowest monthly repayment`, NextCheckoutStepButtonText: `Next Step`, MiniBasketMenuTitle: `Your Basket`, VoucherNameRequiredMessage: `Please enter your name`, PurchaserToNotifyEmailLabel: `Notification Email`, CheckoutCardDetails: `Card Details`, CheckoutTableDiscount: `Discount`, CardNumberRequired: `Card Number is required`, CheckoutTableQuantity: `Quantity`, WishListEmailAddress: `Email Address`, OrderDispatchedText: `Dispatched`, CheckoutErrorHeading: `Transaction Error`, ViewQuotedShipping: `View & Confirm Your Shipping Quotes`, ComplaintsReturnsHeading: `Complaints & Returns`, OrderAllocatedText: `Allocated`, OrderHeld: `Order Held`, BundleItemQuantity: `Qty`, CheckoutSidebarConfirmOrder: `Confirm Order`, WebOrderNumberLabel: `Web Number`, AddressSearchLabel: `Enter postcode to search an address`, ClearAcceptCardPhoneLabel: `Phone`, EnterPostcodeText: `Enter your Postcode:`, QuickOrderInputText: `Enter Stock Code`, AccountOrderTrackingDetails: `Tracking Details`, CardIssueSmallPrint: `(if available)`, ShippingQuoteEmailAddQuoteText: `To Add a Shipping Quote to the order. Please click here: `, GiftVoucherBalanceTitle: `Gift Voucher Balance`, QuickOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, AddToOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, WishListPageTitle: `My Wishlist`, AccountViewOrderTracking: `Order Tracking`, VoucherEmailLabel: `Recepient E-Mail address`, V12BDCashPrice: `Cash Price`, ReturnItemLabel: `Return Item`, CartPromotionText: `If you have a promotional code, please enter it here:`, BarcodeScannerShowBtn: `Show Barcode Scanner`, GiftVoucherExpireText: `This gift voucher will expire on`, VoucherNameLabel: `Your name`, PriceExVATLabel: `ex VAT`, BundleOptionsLabel: `Options`, CheckoutReceiptMessage: `Your order has been placed. We have emailed you with confirmation of your order.`, PaymentAmountText: `Payment Amount :`, ViewDetailsLabel: `View Details`, CartHeading: `Your Shopping Basket`, RemoveAllButton: `Remove All`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberLabel: `Please provide valid VAT No. here:`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberError: `Your VAT number was not recognised`, CheckoutVATStepTitle: `EU VAT Number`, ClearAcceptCardEmailLabel: `Email Address`, OrderCustomerReferenceLabel: `Your Order Reference`, CheckoutVATStepNotes: `
- We can consider this order excluding VAT subject to validation.
- For security reasons, we can only ship goods to the VAT Registered name and address.
- Validation checks can only take place after receipt of order. If we are unable to validate the VAT Registered name and address for delivery, we will be unable to consider this order excluding VAT, and it will be cancelled automatically.
Once you confirm you would like to checkout using this method below, you will receive an email from us with our bank details.
Your order will be cleared for dispatch as soon as we receive your payment.
If you would prefer to checkout with card please click the back button below.`, ClearAcceptCVVLabel: `Security Code 3 digits on the back of the card`, InvoiceTotalGrossLabel: `Total (inc. VAT)`, BankTransferTitle: `Bank Transfer`, NoInterventionOrdersText: `No Orders available for Basket Intervention.`, InvoicePaymentErrorMessage: `Errors were reported from the accounts system when allocating Invoice payments to invoices.
Please fix and reallocate in your accounting system.`, GiftVoucherCancellationPart1: `Your`, GiftVoucherCancellationPart3: `has been cancelled.`, GiftVoucherCancellationPart2: `gift voucher`, GiftVoucherCancellationPart4: `has expired.`, CardTokenPaymentBtnText: `Pay With Card`, CheckoutPaymentAmountToBeConfirmed: `Payment amount to be confirmed `, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceNumberLabel: `Invoice`, OrderInvoiced: `Order Invoiced`, CartTotalExVAT: `Total (ex VAT)`, DeliveryAddressMessage: `Please select a delivery address from your address book.`, ProductBuyOptionsHeader: `Buy Now`, PaymentReceivedText: `Payment Received`, CartPromotionButton: `Apply`, BarcodeScanningIcon: ``, BarcodeScannerModalTitle: `Scan Barcode to Add to Basket`, CartSubtotal: `Subtotal`, GiftVoucherCodePart2: `, which you can enter at the checkout to redeem`, GiftVoucherCodePart1: `Your unique gift voucher code is`, TermsHeader: `Terms & Conditions`, CheckoutGuessButton: `Continue as Guest`, DownloadPriceListText: `Download Price List`, OrderUnknown: `Unknown`, WishListTextMessage: `Check out my wish list on Shopfront White Label`, ExpiredText: `(Expired)`, WishListYourMessage: `Your Message`, AccountYourAccount: `Your Account`, CheckoutTermsTextPart2: ` to finalise your order`, CheckoutTermsTextPart1: `Click to confirm you have read the `, CardTypeSmallPrint: ``, AccountEditTokens: `Edit Your Credit/Debit Cards`, WishListPrice: `Price`, CheckoutPaidAccount: `Placed on Account`, OrderNoteHeading: `Additional Information for Order`, OrderPromotionsApplied: `Promotion(s) Applied`, VoucherPaymentMethod: `Pay by Gift Voucher`, SavedOrdersHeading: `Your Saved Orders`, NoShippingMethodText: `No shipping method available`, AccountEditContactDetails: `Edit your contact details`, YourCartText: `Your Cart`, CardNameLabel: `Card Holder Name`, FreeShippingPart1: ` You need to spend`, FreeShippingPart2: `more to qualify for free delivery.`, EmptyYourCartText: `Empty Your Cart`, RecommendAFriendRecommend: `recommended`, RemainingGiftVoucherPricePart3: `gift voucher from`, RemainingGiftVoucherPricePart2: `remaining of your`, RemainingGiftVoucherPricePart1: `You have`, PlaceOrderButtonText: `Place Order`, CheckoutSidebarBillingDetails: `Billing Details`, CheckoutPaymentDetails: `Payment Details`, OrderHistoryNotWebOrderText: `Not a web site order`, PaymentDeclinedChooseAnother: `Your payment has been declined using your chosen payment method. Please try another payment method from the options below.`, CartDelivery: `Delivery`, POACallLabel: `Call`, SavedOrderCustomerReferenceLabel: `Your Reference`, BasketMessageAddedToBasket: `added to basket.`, CheckoutReceiptHeading: `Order Received`, InvoicePaymentErrorAccountLabel: `Account`, DeliveryDateRequiredMessage: `Required Delivery Date is required`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceAmountLabel: `Amount`, V12DepositLabel: `Deposit (%)`, NotifyEmailProductInStock: `The following product is now back in stock at`, CardIssueLabel: `Issue Number`, V12Disclaimer: `Finance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.`, CheckoutTableSubTotal: `Subtotal`, ViewWishListTitle: `View Wish List`, PriceIncVATLabel: `inc VAT`, QuickOrderMessage: `If you know the product codes of your chosen items, please enter them below.`, AccountViewOrderHistoryIcon: ``, CheckoutGuessInfo: `Alternatively you don\'t need an account to checkout with us. We will give you the opportunity to register at the end of your transaction.`, VoucherRedeemText: `Redeem`, CheckoutSidebarLogin: `Login/Register`, V12BDTotalInterest: `Total Interest`, AdditionalDeliveryRequirements: `Select Additional Delivery Requirements`, NotifyEmailDearCustomer: `Dear Customer,`, OrderItemQuantityLabel: `Qty`, GiftVoucherSpentPart2: `of your`, GiftVoucherSpentPart3: `gift voucher from `, GiftVoucherSpentPart1: `You have now spent the full`, CheckoutSidebarDeliveryDetails: `Delivery Details`, CardIssueRequired: `Issue Number is required`, CartPromotionHeader: `Promotional Code`, ClearAcceptCardNameLabel: `Name on Card`, CheckoutDeliveryMethodMessageA: `Please select your delivery method for this order. See`, CheckoutDeliveryMethodMessageC: `for more details about these options. Your order total will be adjusted to include your selected delivery method.`, CheckoutDeliveryMethodMessageB: `delivery information`, CheckoutVATStepRegisteredCompanyName: `Please provide name of person/company who holds this VAT Reg.No.:`, OrderNoteLabel: `Note`, ClearAcceptCardSelectPleaseSelect: `Please select a card`, CheckoutDeliveryMethod: `Delivery`, BundleOptionsText: `Please select where appropriate.`, CheckoutButtonTextRemoveAll: ` Remove All`, DealerSearchHeading: `Find a Dealer`, OrderTotalLabel: `Order Total`, AdditionalOrderNotesText: `Additional Order Notes :`, ProductAvailabilityLabel: `Availability`, AddToCartText: `Add to Cart`, CardEndDateRequired: `Expiry Date is required`, CSVUploadHeaderRowText: `Tick if contains a header row`, EnterAddressLabel: `Enter Address`, NoQuotesMessage: `No quotes are available`, CartGrandTotalVAT: ` VAT)`, CartGrandTotalInc: `Grand Total (inc `, AddressFinderHeader: `Address Finder`, SavedOrderNumberLabel: `Order Reference`, CartProductPrice: `Price`, VoucherAmountLabel: `Voucher amount`, CheckoutButtonText: `Go to Checkout`, PriceFromLabel: `From`, AddProductsToCartText: `Add products to Cart`, OrderItemStockStatusLabel: `Stock Level`, AgentPurchaserToNotifyLabel: `Purchaser To Notify:`, SaveOrderButtonText: `Save Order`, ReferrerLabel: `How Did You Hear About Us?`, VoucherCodeLabel: `Voucher code`, CSVUploadViewBasket: `View Basket`, VoucherMessageLabel: `Your message (optional)`, UpdatePrice: `Update Price`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceReferenceLabel: `Reference`, PriceVATNotApplicable: `VAT n/a`, OrderItemNetLabel: `Subtotal`, TopProductEmptyText: `You currently have no products to view.`, QuickOrderGoButtonText: `Go`, NotifyEmailSentToLabel: `Email sent to:`, PurchaseOrderMaximumSpend: `Maximum Spend`, VoucherRemainderTextPart1: `You have`, VoucherRemainderTextPart2: `to pay.`, PurchaserToNotifyLabel: `Purchaser To Notify`, V12CalculatorIntro: `Use this calculator to see which finance option suits your purchase.`, CheckoutDeliveryInstructions: `Delivery Instructions`, DeliveryCutOffText: `Same day dispatch ends in`, ShippingQuoteEmailHeaderText: `An Order has been placed and requires Quoting.`, CartProductQuantity: `Quantity`, StatusCartLabel: `In Cart`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentAmountLabel: `Payment Amount`, CheckoutRegUsername: `User Name`, UnableToProcessOrderMessage: `We are currently unable to process your order using your chosen payment method. Please try another payment method from the options below`, CheckoutDeliveryDateRequired: `Required Delivery Date`, CardCV2SmallPrint: `(last 3 digits on signature strip)`, CheckoutButtonTextRemove: ` Remove`, NoPaymentsText: `No payments`, CheckoutButtonTextUpdate: ` Update`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceMessageLabel: `Account System Result Message`, PurchaseOrderNumber: `Purchase Order Number`, V12LowestMonthlyPayments: `Lowest Monthly Repayment`, CartProductName: `Name`, CardStartDateRequired: `Start Date is required`, }, Security: { EditContactDetails: `Edit Contact Details`, RecaptchaV2Error: `Please tick the box to indicate you are not a robot.`, CheckoutLoginToContinue: `Please login to continue.`, LoggedOutMessage: `Not logged in`, OldPasswordRequired: `Old Password is required`, ConfirmPasswordLabel: `Confirm Password`, DeleteAddressButtonText: `Delete`, LoginMessageTradeContactLink: `../contact/contact.aspx`, RecoveryPasswordEmailExpiryMessage: `This link will expire in at`, LoginToPurchase: `Login to purchase`, NewPasswordRequired: `New Password is required`, RecoveryPasswordEmailSecurityMessage: `If you did not request this password reset, no further action is required, and your account remains secure.If you need further assistance please contact us.`, LoginButtonText: `Login`, RecoveryPasswordResetHeader: `Password Reset`, RecoveryPasswordResetMessage: `Your password has been succesfully reset`, LoginMessageTradeRegisterLinkText: `request an account`, LoginMessageTradeContactLinkText: `contact us`, LogoutButtonText: `Logout`, RecoveryPasswordNotifyEmailSecurityMessageLinkText: `contact us`, LoginLegend: `Login Details`, UsernameLabel: `Email address`, UsernameRequired: `Email address is required`, RecoveryPasswordNotifyEmailSecurityMessage: `If you did not make this change, please `, LoginRetailMessage: `Please log in to access this area of our web site. If you don’t have a username and password for this website please register.`, PasswordLabel: `Password`, LoginComboTradeRegisterMessage: `Please log in to access this area of our web site. If you don’t have a username and password for this website please register or if you are a trade customer please request an account.`, LoginMessageLoginToAccess: `Please log in to access this area of our web site.`, LoginMessage: `Please log in to access this area of our web site. If you do not have a username and password for this site, please contact us to set up an account.`, LoginMessageTradeRegister: `If you do not have a username and password for this site, please`, TwoFactorTitle: `Two Factor Authentication`, LoginRegisterHeader: `Not Registered?`, ChangePassword: `Change Your Password`, TradePurchaserEmailMessage: `Your purchaser info.........`, RecoverPasswordSuccess: `If the email address you provided exists in our system, you will receive a password recovery email shortly.
Please check your spam or junk folder if it doesn’t appear in your inbox. For further assistance please contact us.`, RecoverPasswordSubject: `Your new password`, RecoverPasswordButtonText: `Reset Password`, PasswordIncorrect: `Incorrect password`, UsernameNotUnique: `This email address is already in use, please choose another`, LoginMessageTradeRequestLoginLinkText: `request your trade account login details`, RecoverPasswordUnknownUser: `Unknown username`, LoginMessageRetailRegister: `If you don’t have a username and password for this website please`, RecoverPasswordLinkText: `Forgotten your password?`, LoginMessageRetailRegisterLinkText: `register`, NewPasswordLabel: `New Password`, RecoverPasswordNoEmail: `Your account has no email address set`, LoginMessageComboPart4: `If you are an existing trade customer without an online account, please`, LoginMessageComboPart5: ``, LoginMessageComboPart2: `or if you are a trade customer please`, LoginMessageComboPart3: `to set up an account.`, LoginMessageComboPart1: `If you don’t have a username and password for this website please`, RecoveryPasswordEmailResetPasswordLinkText: `Reset Your Password`, UserLegend: `Login Details`, RememberMeLabel: `Remember me`, ShowPasswordTitle: `Show Password`, LoginMessageRetailRegisterLink: `../retail/registration/default.aspx`, RecoveryPasswordNotifyEmailMessage: `The password for your account has been successfully updated for the username:
`, RecoverPasswordEmail: `Your password has been changed. We recommend that you change your password at your next login.`, LoginMessageTradeRequestLoginLink: `../trade/registration/request-login.aspx`, LoginMessageWithRegister: `Please log in to access this area of our web site. If you do not have a username and password for this site, please register here.`, HidePasswordTitle: `Hide Password`, OldPasswordLabel: `Old Password`, RecaptchaError: `Please enter the two words in the image`, AddAddressButtonText: `Add New Address`, TwoFactorInstructions: `
- Download Google Authenticator or Authy onto your mobile device
- Click the generate button below
- Open your Google Authenticator or Authy and scan the QR Code or enter the manual key
- If you have any issue setup Two Factor press the clear Token Button below
Click the link below to reset your password:`, LoginComboMessage: `Please log in to access this area of our web site. If you don’t have a username and password for this website please register or if you are a trade customer please contact us to set up an account.`, LoginHeading: `Please Login`, ConfirmPasswordRequiredLabel: `Confirm Password is required`, LoginFormHeader: `Existing Customers`, LoginMessageTradeContactPart1: `If you do not have a username and password for this site, please`, LoginMessageTradeContactPart2: `to set up an account.`, TwoFactorRequiredSetupTitle: `You require two factor authentication, follow instrucitons below:`, PasswordRequired: `Password is required`, LoginMessageTradeRegisterLink: `../trade/registration/default.aspx`, RecoverPasswordSubHeader: `Forgotten your password?`, PasswordNotMatched: `Passwords do not match`, TwoFactorSetupTitle: `To setup two factor authentication:`, RecoverPasswordMessage: `Enter your email address in the field below and we will send you a password reset link.`, },};
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Healthcare, Hygiene &
PPE Supplies for your
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Established 2003
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Reynard Disposable Commode/Bed Pan Liners are designed for any person who needs a commode or bedpan whether in a healthcare institution or at home. The biodegradable liners offer protection for orthopaedic bedpans and commodes. Increases hygiene, saves time, provides a simple and risk free disposal system and limits the spread of pathogens.
Super absorbent pad locks in fluid – >950ml in 30 seconds
Disposable 100% Biodegradable LDPE liner + cellulose pulp pad
Odour Control
CE Marking: Class I medical device according to the rules of annex IX of European Council Directive 93/42/EEC
Large size liner 23cm x 13cm
Offers protection for orthopaedic bed pans/commodes
Increases hygiene, saves time, simple and risk free disposal, limits spread of pathogens
20 liners per pack
Shelf Life – 2 years
Stock Code: CON211/C
- MIS211 Commode Pan Liners Info Sheet.pdf
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Healthcare, Hygiene &
PPE Supplies for your
Business and Home
Established 2003
Buy direct from the manufacturer
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over £100 ex VAT
(UK Mainland –
Zone 1 only
- see delivery information)
Pre-approved 30-day account
(Subject to conditions)
Buy online securely via PayPal,
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Product Categories
Disposable Gloves Infection Control Supplies Polythene Disposables Paper Disposables Hygiene Wipes First Aid Supplies Incontinence Products Housekeeping Supplies PPE Supplies Toiletries Sectors Clearance
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