Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)

jo31PHJr nrt tM WV' fwi fc yatfu ry xUa 7 I 7I iif JlL tM L. iS I i IP i tp tv 1 jiyftitfffiK1 VTT rHIif vHj1' J' ijN ffi i ft New PAW3OWNER OF YANKEE HASHAD CAREER. ffrt lwlma Cleaned it Up lh Havana Uepar Colony and Did 8om Olhtr Biff Job tftyi NT i WWBWJtORK Jan. Very lew tail ad knowmuch about CipL Tilling Wrt rHommedIett1 Hoston-Hhat' Iili fciiji wh vwlth Col Ji Ruppert. no4 WnVttrfriew York Yankees IU It ew rich and very quiet man.

lit 1s he mat hrfefeahtH utf the HaVana leper hospital I i6th i stiit les In Cota' or1 lh Unrfed Bat ViW aM that's nbw lie Hghfly comes fey Ihe title of fciplkla Captain Huston was born In Ohio forty- even years agd JI manages his ei n- rr Werprleesj from here for lit one of the leading engineer and contractor of the world. He Isn't In baseball to Bilk money but to have some fun When the Spanish war broke out Cap tain Huston was a fairly stricken young engineer working for the city of Cincinnati He organised Company Second United States' volunteer engineers and offered their serrlces to the govern ment. Huston was made captain and un der him were many drawing salaries In peace time to f10000 a year but willing to fight for their country at the pay of ordinary private light off the reel Company got one Of the toughest Jobaever placed on the shoulders of body of engineers They were t. to go to the leper hospital known as San Lazaro and make sanitary Leading hl men to the dreaded San Lazaro Captain Huston took oft hid coa picked up a shovel and personally began the physical work of cleaning up the place Up to that time It as a superstition In Cuba that no man could come out of San' Lararo alive unless he bore a charmed life. Seeing tho example set by the captain the others followed and In three weeks they had ripped the Insldes out of San Lataro had made It as clean a pin with a system of perfect sanitation ami not one Of them Buffered 111 Health a consequence The Cubans looked upon Huston as a kind of Mint and he became the most- talked-of man on the Island In a shoti while wasglven the Job Of remodeling and making sanitary the Casa de Boned- clencla one of the largest homes fir oiphant and foundlings on the Island And he cleaned that up In the same business like manner fretty toon It became necessary make all of Havana sanitary and the captain got that job Its present healthy condition Is his monument.

When the war was- about over Captain Ituston resigned from the army and nent llite th contracting business forhimself Hi has mafle Santiago harbor navigable hat done likewise il Clenfuegos and Ma- Uana and Urnow working on Havana harbor ofUVtinow trying toret Ire and Is dls- po lflg' his th businesses a rapid air possible He ha Jbtm to v4Tork Wt ll sV auid being' basbel fan And great personal friend 41 John MoOraw 1i fWnted a ball club his own personal amusem*nt stIt was Captain HtlBton whb- made tho mjflerloul bid tot tit Chicago CuM last Mhherand wU for i while held an op tion OB them lle WoulJlt take the club MbKeVlrY unless W-edul I get McGra to iranage It and finding that to be Impos slble gave It up As a Bbyft Wtotaln baseball a little bur not-enough to amount to any- v5l Joys ha was so busy that lie rftW ifrhave much time for His father lWa 8 Jah engineer built the ClnclnnaH Southern Railroad and theyounger Hus topvlhe pV sent captalK rtorftfct the work. HeV helped to Wild the Baltimore DM6 railroad from Tfkvfe de Grace lid to Baltimore ICaji as he affectionately called Is one of the mojt depocratlo men in ho etiHd lie would Wuch prefer 19 sit anund lth a crowd of baseball fans plajers or scribes than to bother about the more dignified surroundings of tha various clubs which he belongs. iv WJ 1 I VVV i J' A. nTt- T-I rrv MOST IMPORTANTCASESlNfEDO TROUBLE STETUNDEC1DED vy fflSWWffltol ft J4JT 4J ti'i" i A VM. Ja Tfo HHtfr fc 41 Vr iWr iZh7.

tr nlX i 1 kr 7 ft St r-r nnalldo Vjr Marsaniana Georje Chief John. Three ofttu most interesting' ntinojS Important eases in the trouble between th rF and organized baseball If' those of. Hal Chase and George Chief Jqbnaol Ithpppens that each one of those players was taken or came from otgraniied baseball while the playing under way and each wa taken Into vourt In none of them has a final decision been yet made. fffi BOWLING SCORES' At Metropolitan Alleys. MINUET ELECTRICS.

4 Plaj ert Reynolds. Farnan Brooks O. lIaikcnrlder Carr. let. 174 201 184 180 194 Id.

19 7 176 194 171 Totals riajers II Carr Adams Mully Cragg Single Totals 8U lit. 174 168 1 9 189 900 876 2d 146 180 181 18 217 Sd 179 150 488 ISO 169 869 856 Players Rogers a Huber Pressler IBS At Star Alleys. MANN'S BARBERS. 1st 130 1 8 4 177 209 131 2d. 3rt.

mo ice Totals Mets forfeited 475 C46 469 QUEEN BICES. Wajert. ist i Kennelly 149 Vfersteln 137 Kennelly 224 Total 610 hl STAR BILLIARD SUPPLIES' td 811 7 1 1 1IT 1 8 tJIS' 25 Players. Hurlage Qoshart Walker Totals 1st. 139 138 203 2d 169 134 211.

lid 67 120 Ij. Totals i 734 rt i TAILS. Players 1st. 2d 0- Urlckl1oI1 ii 119 140. klerspe.

18 U9 Fox A 159 171 Albright 194 140 rickartL 165 118 Jl iP8t lliDEErtji JjiU Players III. 2d. Krlll 144 162 natteftffiT" 134 194 191 Mcrulloch 137 lIollcnbeck 140 172 480 604 7 STAR BILLIARD UPPLIFS Players It 2d Id. Walker 182 188 181 FRANCIS OUIMFT i i ti. rf i a iAu Jaiit- rf IMJ WJ 4t IV Jf ittf tt 4 iur tiff jttrU 0 o-df- 1 1 Albright ri 268 148 135 Qonhart 184 16 13 Tof 622 401 488 Mets forfeited At Elks' Alleys.

HOOKS PlITelll ht Id til. Smith 131 143 IHS Lambrakls 162 99 104 Guschlng 166 Hi Pohlmeyer 171 U. 208 CenUlvre 188 lit 112 Totals Players. Lauer Walsh. Mohr Draker 807 698 83) TOBBILS.

ht. 148 145 133 138 Emrltk 7. 171 191 143 In Id 144 170 175 1M 17 807 Kt 3d. 131 11 144 HI 1113 760 I 3d. 117' 1H 173 176 IDS Totals 771 814 838 At It.

Paul' Alleys. DOIlNIS HATTERS. Pla ors lat. 3. Jacobs 148 lee M.

rmscber 186 182 AKraft 192 168 Luhman 149 208 Kraft 8 101 Totals 812 011 WYNEKKN. Players Dannentel Hugh C. Westerman A. Ditade P. Gerhard 1st.

184 151 172 161 179 la. UO 180 218 19 183 Ul 176 16J ta2 219 3d. 17 lU ni 121 Totauj i 817 800 84 Players Holterman Bcuohel Wyneken Redenbeck Oberwitte At Coneonlla lIey HOLTERUAN. 1st. 168 7170 147 1311 24.

111 131 191' 14 135 Total 168 790 OEHLlNOERS 8 DRUQS Players MUgaraer SUmorr Kletberg Koehllnller Wtda A Klectilitlr Tutala 1st 146 KG 161 Y8 179 2d 170 146 144 104 112 34. X71 131 U. 143 131. 733' 311 117 115' 113 751 181 719 At St. Johns Alley.

F. KOKHLINaKR BICYCLE STORE. rlaera 1st 3d P. Keller 139 1S HoliwOrth 88 HI ronmtller 154 178 Kaad. 159 Klchel 1 2 124 Totals 803 763 maT CANDY COMPANY TBflBfflST CHANCE jit CONCPRDI FIRST TO MEET THE ZANE lfe TEAM.

That GfI MK Villagers Their Opportunity et Again Tonight It was the Conoordla college vanity that gave the nesvUle Inderiendents their first chance 4o Into local as- ketball. asitfie Hlanar jre the ftrli of the local fives to meet the requests of tho villagers for" a game That was a' par ago nd tha licking Coneonlla got still Is remembered' by the cadets hi tonight lll go out to avenge themselves on the town this season Concordla played ftancsvllle and came within an ace of win. nln. and that with recrnlt up too Since that gameCaptalff fJlyroade has had his men cbnstaritly at work and the efforts of the coach have finally brought fruit as Concordla la pitching baskets with a disconcerting accuracy these days anil has mattered a style ot tcaraattack that kee thIlZaMfllUaps tonight IIIlls- kind of M-abtah iff referee the game tonight. Tickets sold.

or the St. Mati Concordla game III be Rood for tonight's go The co logo band wilt be out. A ST. PAUL GYM Lyceum and Walthp Leiguera Tues day Night. The St raul nltlier leaguer1 ftl do battle with' the lneltm Fedcraln at the St.

Paul tiall Tuesday night In the first game of 10 scried I landed Ijy nag Stherer and Lennart Mr heir respective teams The second garnf of' lerlcs will be played Feb. 11 and If a third gamft Is nOCeRIIry It nlll be plared a. late to be decided upon Inter On. Feb. 9 the 5t Paul outfit will play tllrffrew York Na- tlinals nod on eb 18 will meet ths-Si Mary's Athletics Purdues Schedule LAFAYtTTK InI.

Jan. SO Purdues 1916 football schedule nas ann unced to day as folio Oct I WabIt1 at Purdue. Oct 9 Belolt III Purdue Oct. If Wl cumilii it Purdue Oct. 23 furdua a Chi vifco.

Nnv Junit at Purdue Kov 13 Purdue at Kentuik Nov. 0 Purdue at Indiana Dtvoro Released. BOSTON Inn 10 Joih Devorc ha been given an unconditional release by the Boston Nationals IIpvore hllll never An Ished a sessn wllh a club that did not lnrt up second or better Will jritEND HIS SKI TITLE FEB. 7 Players O. Nahrwold 189 1 Young 138 KlileelJel 149 WNteb 188 A Knoll 188 Total 862 Friar League.

SUKDHOFF 8 BEARS. 3d 184 142 111 in U. lu Flayers. III. Id It.

Typker 146 147 D. Lowe 171 144 Leach 170 111 Knnlnger 142 140 C. CentUvre 170 14 Tutals 103 726' CIl. TUCKERS BCIIATCHCATE Players lat. Id.

Dochterman 151 115 by 161 Ul i uiinr Uo Manth US Ellenwood 14 13 Pr Tuokar 131 Totals tuv PliHLMEUSnS PETS. dialers. 1st Zd IUyes 1 1 liS. JP sH Fleherln 115 ItS Ulller KO Ill Doyl 4 4 Vit fflWJfSSWOttraLH WJUIARD WILL MOT BB LOWED TO peEXCfTRDV Mt Will Take No Chanots0n rJ Bsinj Overburdened By Wall Wisher ByEd W. Smith.

mCAOO. Jan 30. They've sprung something new In the. training camp of MssWlllard at El Paso Tex. where th bill man I getting down to the grind In preparation or hi.

match of March I wlh lack JohntoM Though the big aba II 0 Ie open JU all time to visitorsthe are going to censor the conversation and. Vat ar mayt and telegrafn are con cerned Jessla never to see a line of It nil nanigfr 107 see that visitors never. talk of anything but tie most pleasant topics advice jibout how to blp the big black Is and and all ergufflonts dlscunBlpna on fights and fighters will be' barred at times The reason Ilaln enoutb Harking bock to the days In Reno wKeif every Tom Harry went out to tll. JelTrtes ctrtp Mosna. Springs and told the hairy tos Angeles man that he mrely must whale the stuffln out of Johnson Tom Jones handling Wllllsldi training not going to stand Idly by and see alt charges nerves racked and probably" ruined by this constant drumming antt pounding In of an Ill fact.

There. 1011 the shadow of a. doubt thnt Jellrle. chance. If he ever had one with Johnson that day wautterlY mined iho well wishing but utterly mlagulded friends bo kept telling him.

what an aitful respbnslbllltj was tils an what a horrtbW f*ckte ha would mllttof he didn't through with the old K. 0 punch Tp eyes of the world are OH yoUJcto raavtho way they kept rub- filng- it 1m Junta Jeff Ulclnt know It an lfeel1tHJeOIOnMiaT tobotoldr Out It seemed to be part of the scheme of his handlers to have Him feel his re. sponBlbllltr at Wl ilmea. TheJ tbougnt then that wouldn't hl training It be rfjUti hoW muchthe sportlnx world 4ependea onJdm The contrary effect caifte Thconstant talking the dally ailrtioflHIons finally got ott Jlrni It Is small wonder that Sev eral times hen he great flocks ofwrit era critics and experts went out to aeo him at his Work they discovered that Tie hail gone away for the day on a distant fl hlng trip. ttttfltx wasn't trained proper for that battle.

He Might have. Had a chance in" a Maratbqfl footrace but he wasn't Ct to fightbecUB9 he hadn't trained to ThU MTfclmlued five day before the battl by tven Jim Corbett himself who btolllIo and cried one horning wlflle telling theof the failure to get tile pig BiaA 6 any boxing He might have mad a better showing If the method had been' different but It might have been a hole tat the other way If thi friendly goat had becA kept away from tlia et" ixTbata wuy the WUlard people arc taking these precautions. They are profts ing by the mistakes of Reno They hope to gelid 4na Into the ring against John son wllh nerves of steer If there Is turn a thing In the up of the big white man And they claim there. Is. EATBREAKFliSTSONTHEFLY SIX-DAY RIDERS HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE.

tf Jfr fi1- xtjSl Thy Are Kept Busy Pedalhi ling Round Saucer Track In Chicago Building. CHICAGO Jan 30 Eight teams lead ing In- the six-day bicycle race were still bunched. with four teams trailing one lap behind early today. The score at the end of three hours 8 a. m.

for ID leaders was 680 miles The record the time Is 706 miles and a laps The twelve bikers were tired. but they did. not appear near as exhausted as the hundred or more spectators who remained In the grandstand through the night. Larry J. Corbett.

an old time Australian champion. led the first sprint of the day Corbett is not a. contestant but as clei of the course he grew tired of seeing the riders monotonously circle the track at slow speed and. mounting a bike. ho shouted I will show you how ite went In the old days For a mile he led the rams it breakneck speed Then seeing that they were well started on a sprint.

he left the track The fast pace continued for some time. Fully 22000 spectators turned out last night. Tho last womsn left the tand at 4 a pleading nlth her hunband see just one more sprint A pretty young woman grabbed Jimmy Heron the Chelsea Irishman by the neck and kissed him as he left hla training quarters The big fellow blushed like a schoolboy but dldn object to the Your. woman repeating Many of the riders took thefr breakfast while any drinking milk beer slid Other beverages with one hand while steering their wheels over the perilous curves with the other The eight leading team were Corry Carman. Moran Egg Walker-Hoot Mercy Walthour.

Bedell Llnart-Dupuy. KooskyColombal The four training were olilrab Uyan Anderson. Hanson. Kudl Provost Mitten Former Central Lugo. BOSTON Jan.

SO Waller Oregessor. i atelier for the Birmingham club of he Southern league has signed to play with the Braves. Looklog for Quartsra. BAVANNAIl Oa Jan. Wild Bill' manager of the New York Americans.

arrived today to look over thO local ball park. He Is expected to brinu the Yankees here to train. Stalling Recovering. HADDOCK. Oa.

Jan. SJ Thecondition of Georee T. Stalllngs manager of the Breton Braves has considerably Improved lie is suffering from a oevere cold. RITCHIE TOBtfX Xd iN nl i JfJ Willi. Ritchie Willie Ritchie.

lightweight champion of the world. who ha done little or no boxing since he lost his crown to rrlddie Welsh In England list July. has now announced that he will leave his home In San Francisco for New York to engage In a series of ten-round bouts nlth the best flghterp In the cast Ritchie alr intends to Join the ranks of the modern danc ing stars In vaudeville lie In to team up In an act with his sister Indued Mrs. t. Gilbert.

Mrs Kanode Miss H. I Park and daughter. Mies Henrietta Miss Minnie Park aRlt Miss Wolf of Cleveland. O. A daughter was born to Mr.

and Mrs Cecil Fisher at their home on hi dings street Tuesday. Mr. Juda of GOshen has purchased the dairy line of P. M. AutlJllt.

who will spend tlte remainder pf the win. ter. In. New Orleans and expects to go to Ban Francisco Cal before turn. Inr home.

If. It. Grlgtr has been appointed state mansgtr of tie World' Purity atton. Ml Qrlgg has had experience as a sjoolal worker haUng received training Ip the New York School of Philanthropy. has seed as a prpba- tton officer In Brooklyn N.

and hai been connected with the Enforce ment league of Cdnriertlcnt also with the Federated Charities. of Baltimore Mel The purity movement will be or ganlled in Indiana by Mr. Grin with headquarters In this city. II Sllnson was In Indianapolis to attend the meeting of the Rlate as soclatlon of retail hardware dealers Miss Tandy librarian. will resume the story telling for children at the library on Saturday morning' at 2 lock.

to which all children ten years of age and under are Inxlted to at tend Mr and Mrs. C. Auman and Mr. and Mrs. K.

Randall attended the siher wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. William Shanellne at villa Tuesday Miss EIIJe Williams. assutted by MeiHlames Uislcr KerUn and Willlan-H will entertain the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodtet Episcopal church Friday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Trevor Res her are In Chicago attending the auto show. The monthly business meeting of thl Epworlh league of the Methodist Epls. copal church vi as held Wednesday at the home of Miss Sadie Woodruff. The Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held a Joint Installation of officer Wednesday evening.

the cer. Imony taking place following the regular meetings of the orders Mrs Stevens acted as Installlorr officer for the Rojnl Neighbors and Mrs A. Has- klns as the ceremonial marshal and the following officers were Installed Oracle Hael Rlchey past oracle. An. no.

Cramer. lcc oracle. Mrs P. A. Reed chancellor.

Mabel Wlndell re- rordlr Minnie Smith. receiver Mrs Martin marshal. Mary Darker Inner' sentinel Mrll. Walters outer sentinel Mrs. LeAho manager Mrs.

Jlorr. The officers of KrndallvlIle camp No. 3922. Modern Woodmen of America. Installed Included Consul A Hosklns past consul.

Leslie Gee. adviser. Art Zimmerman blnkH. E. Holman clerk.

S. P. Rollins escort. Stanner managers II. Htlo and L.

doe A nodal Mill" followed anil refreshments served There were about evenh. he present to enjoy the evening The Culture club members were en tertained at the country horn of Mrs. Haywood on Wednesday afternoon. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs Sam Lovett or Gertrude street Mr.

and Mrs C. P. Bulck ware at Elkhart Thursday to lslt B. Rr of this city. who Is appearing In The Dream Girl.

im Pajers tM. nU att ffi KENDALLVILLE NEWS. Special Correspondence i 1 C. Tetter was named trustee and i nald Campbell red Qoke and Ju- us Kann as appraisers of the U. D.

ord bankrupt stork at a meeting of the creditors Tuesday. Among the relatives from a distance to attend the funeral of me late Henry Slltlel neld at the Lutheran church Wednesday afternoon the Rev. Kretzmann. officiating were Mr. and 1 Mrs Bum Prouty.

of Uarrett Mr. and vn harlea Wagner. pf Toledo Martin llavtll and daughter. of Qarno- tili. lu.

II R. Tuecke and Bert Sel- dd. of Msnley la. I Mr Hattie Swartl and daughter. Miss Uona were at Elkhnrt Mondu to Rttpnd the wedding of tho former niece Miss Mabel Rltter and George Mast which occurred at the home of i the brides parents Mr and s.

Ralllfr OmtyttlL 1. Rltter The bride la a former Ken-1 44 t4allvllle having resided here teltli 8 Bjmr Otbtvedt. the Chicago I her parents until moving Jo Klkhart 1 tkien jsjholBr two succeulve ye iaboui a yeara ago. th natlcn thtmblonshjp yT fVIiM fWSIm in rrfwior eltX jJ Sj rlnB Mrs. B.

Park jottTt lneji the Tuesday club at her home on Orchard itweUMw. Park ura BunVaii artd Uls Cllb rt on thaJpycgtynV A hwcheom mi 7 7P tt111 1 fit SfcJj Take a business course from the International Busi ness College. There is a position waiting for you. New' term commences in Febru ary. Enroll early Use News' Black Type 15c i per line four words per line.

Anthony hotel high-class dancing 9 to 12 Saturday evening. Do You Keep. Chickens If so you should read this. Our customers often ask us how can tell White Cross Scratch Feed Globe Scratch Feed at the price 11 ID and 2 00 per hundred pounds considering the present high ld of grain. We will WI you Wft now have a contract tot one thou sand bags and we give the trade the benefit of our lucky buy.

On der from us when ou wan1. best teed made. W. 0 HENDERSON 00. 233 East Columbia St Home Phones 144495 START THE NEW YEAR With all your annoying bills paid.

A loan from HI on your household good. piano. horses etc. will help you. It can be' paid back In easy pojments weekly.

monthly' or quarterly any way to suit your Income. All transactions confidential. 2 PER MONTH If you need money call. phone' or write and our agent will explain matter to you. NATIONAL LOAN GO 8 SHOAFF i1LDG.

PHONE 2899. DR. flUACKSTpNE Chronic. NervoiiFarui Private Diseases of Men and Woven. Consultation and Examination Free.

136 West Wayne Street. BASKET BALL LYCEUM vs 8T. PAUL. TUESDAY FEB. 2 ST.

PAUL'S AUDITORIUM FIRST GAME OF SERIES Reserved Tiokata on Sal at Sohtrmeysra Kothllnjtrs Ed Miller Drug Calhoun Quality Drug 3tor 2302Calhooni St Paul Cigar Stand. PORK AND BE NS For Lunch Tonigfffii. jr Jtif 3 mANKD El The Home ojGQQ Beet in- wiyun te fj A ti i A i I ffl "I'm 1 i4 wi ff tW iu pi 4 lott Wayne Guard Mildest 5f Cigar Made 1 i if i vl4 jjv a fl 1 ntSwM it" If i Smllh Jo. I i' rfB t. I.

f. pr tor mat ot1Jatt John I I faltols the lui. llr n. UlI telegr a. JI' rl yd Je IjlIev 1 ee Jf.

thatTJ lto1t IDO" 101lcIadvlc jI 1it. Wbl theblc tlrrutl lUs fI dlsClieslonson II Ui re lT" 1farlthi Dlckuli UUrY ctid andtold he halr 0 Is tIot ill JohllsonlbaLdlY ml gulded frllllillf' Who In' Ir sp nlbllltywa bata TlbltVt rhewould 1. ii. 1 Uneh uT rt tf ff' ott i aM teeI1l' 1 nrilave to be tOld. Mail nin rle II lldleft IOq sp lin tbOUfilt I ti to tbathwo ldntl oc' lla train IIIf most1nterest1 i In mO1lnillUriaaea a teni ISiId Jlo lII ebtIIe n.

PPpDIthat de endet1 Jitm orI" rtODtotJt1l lted seball seaaonIU ger 1h. constant has done wu otbem fllnal let J' 1' n. otl no. ddie nerycs lndWt naJl th nowannouncd brlr' it 1cH jfFlaST Oser jl mboe rtatl 181 fI hhnat 11I1I1Vork dl thatlle Invaudevllll ter. I yW hwltoi ivlforthedaon ii 1 lIhlll d.

CON DI Mr J. A th I h. I jLt J. ony 0 Ig aSs ZAt YILtE ff foottlce MI lI nrletta Saturday' Plaer I. 31.

IIJht I traln Ml i83 111 111 ui I ThlijaI dmIUed an 1 111i 256 rm ki iQU lI bitttlb1 th h' 1 1 If I onelhornlngwble et et 3 2 5 Oppo urllt gan ngIt.of lr ofOoohen J. nlght. tIIUt all bett rem lnder 9tthe It' 0 Conoordlaeoll ge nra 1 tertb. wa an tran co d. 2d.

ov In epn eilt gQa Jettffld bee pl Ald 1119 11 chanceto If IliAo locat a IU I ami bare WbYthe art man gtr 8 76 as t1l. oIlttlan tal" Mt. 19 1 I aI. th ho. h' I ne Th I I rag 0 of.

Pc 0 mee re lue. ms a ea 0 no. ey ope' ha ng recelv 189 17 I la ln tJolm mrc thallcklng nerve' IItteeflt ba. 888 34 8 7 Y. ha 1 1 0 Andtherclalm I lw NNS 1' I.

onthe lIIentteatue Cdnrle tlcllt t. EAT BREAKFASTS ON THE FLY Play en. 2 or. oI1uber 16S 1. 44t.

0 andt1 at 1 lth1 up. IG8. ameC ptal 1uha rkandth SUll on 415 140181 SIX. DAY as- I dp ler 38 ndy rolal 11 I asl leot ea.m.a.It. cktuttIIJ1 tt' UWEa li tllI lchl r.

pt' Bu. dallinl Ro nd I1a ei abllb llh tp or' Tra a.t- U4. colOllo it 0186 Ah. aOElgbt le wCddfngannlver ary Sh nellne A aR Jlotld ght. ad.

ent rtaln Wnl1her lenlti IiYJlJ fr battle 16 1all Reher lh l1ed y' Qnare" a Chl ago ur helriee cth' handredof rlc8 rth 830 willbe 11. oldtlme wa Wldnl dllY II III 11Y. ter. I I. conte tanl.

clerk tllr aw rk th lle eb IIIJ ethe' 1:11 atl moun tin" I XU. Sche kll. olddays ledlhe JaD. uei ra ws 841 IHII. annltuRced 10- HkIO a aD A.1 I.

1 ns daY. PIIrdaepct 0 III i iur lt rrdu Or le HOI I hhe pa 6) IL PIlrduNov I 11ce 16i' 1 1 rKnt kY No 20. 1Jrdu ai a. m7. bu band 0 Ma el Wln eU Uchel 161 dl ana.

Jlmm 148' 1i Relea 136 BO TN ao. Jolb.Devorc rters 1- BO n3 II Ib' dIdnt otl. sc O. oY. T.

A. a ers 117 ond an A I beverasea' hand 144. foll wed 1V 194' 11.0/ I Ip Jlng Corry 8ene en- 6 lJetl JI rtalned 1 I Thefour Ryan. Vnon We 1neldaf I Rus Provost. ill.

1e 15' HI re Wlloll rth Walter 1trM. Wl 136 InTh 111 haalmed W' C. 188 rOr ayrte uar 70 fro the inte a Ueg a sitionwaitbig ou. DRS 9 lTqNE Neno and te ot14 an I Typcl5c perline Co rwordsperline lS i Iae l. t.

nD Ilr' 149 raleln nllelly I U. 111' n1IU U3U. TOtals 10 I 139 Tot ll 60 ntrLi Pla er d. i. 111 rI.

t61 C. A. Kraft i. 138 PI erB. I1 C.

E. 1161 II. If It I' t. COM ANY Is a rwoI4 ung' W. Neeb US Lookl UIL.

brill Ysnk es 3d. H7 142 I 110 I 3 The condilion I rav ttlW' III To ker' 81' I 11. I I I I J. I etter nam Iru lpe a tun ral 0 i Wednr dy M'j l1 vl1l tll In. I arclL Monda.

J81 ddtn" Isll H3 U. 11 106. I at. 2V' an MT H'j yl. lat J' I.

If. n- tr lded here i II zp a the. Chla rhfr unUhntovIIJ EII hart 1 l. icr ol unel1ra L' ff AI st J' ft i lIu' the natlcnale am ionsh1p" oI' flnla ft 1QJ I C1WIhi I. 7 bt wilt agal Il1r.

a114 r. Ifl ne 1 :4. 1 11j41 vI3 be In. Int lor th. bonor' atth with a frct I' iale tberCf UOI Jftd' m- 16 ti elevnth annuar natl nalcblmploni i rh bat Il erori.

Ore 1IItlo B. 0 103' Dn. BettA TCnCA Te. 41 Drrlloktr II I' 1. ii I 10 rota TWhn N' I' 0.

a we n' WhtteGro s. SClat t' e' 110 UOO you. W4 have. a O. cot 0.

231 233 ColurnbiaSt 1441 4US' .2 THE hou ehole ult ourlgent 289 I. Store 2128 Store230z Calhounl. JJ6t-1Ir 7 oni Atf Ii f. II EVA Ho ot qo 2.

Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.