On this page, you can always find detailed information about the Nuevo Sol currency exchange rate against the Australian Dollar currency:
currency exchange rate history, background information, prediction and more about PEN/AUD
Chart of History of changes in the PEN/AUD exchange rate
PEN/AUD exchange rate on today
08 14, 2024
1 PEN = 0.41 AUD
▲ 0.71 %
This page provides information about the currency pair Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar, and more precisely about how much 1 Nuevo Sol costs in Australian Dollar.
Data on the currency pair PEN/AUD are presented by the world's leading exchanges and Central banks of the countries that issue these currencies. We constantly update this data so that you get only the most up-to-date information about the currency pair PEN/AUD and make a balanced decision about buying and selling the currency you are interested in.
The page also provides information about the dynamics of the exchange rate of Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar, statistics and prediction of the exchange rate of these currencies in the near future from our experts.
How to make a forecast for currencies and cryptocurrencies?
There are several approaches to forecasting the exchange rate of currencies and cryptocurrencies:
Fundamental analysis: This approach involves analyzing economic and financial data to determine the intrinsic value of a currency or cryptocurrency. This can include factors such as interest rates, inflation rates, economic growth, political stability, and fiscal policy. Based on this analysis, investors can make predictions about the future exchange rate.
Technical analysis: This approach involves analyzing past market data, such as price and volume, to identify patterns and trends that can be used to predict future market movements. Technical analysis can be used to identify support and resistance levels, momentum indicators, and other factors that can influence the exchange rate.
Sentiment analysis: This approach involves analyzing market sentiment and investor behavior to predict future market movements. Sentiment analysis can include monitoring social media, news articles, and other sources of market sentiment to gauge investor sentiment and predict market movements.
Machine learning: This approach involves using statistical models and machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of market data and make predictions about future market movements. Machine learning can be used to identify patterns and relationships in market data that might not be visible to the human eye.
In summary, there are several approaches to forecasting the exchange rate of currencies and cryptocurrencies, including fundamental analysis, technical analysis, sentiment analysis, and machine learning. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and investors may use a combination of approaches to make more accurate predictions about future market movements.
Change in the PEN/AUD exchange rate over the past 30 days
For the last 30 days (07 16, 2024 — 08 14, 2024) the Nuevo Sol exchange rate against the Australian Dollar currency changed by 2.02% (0.4 AUD — 0.41 AUD)
Change in the PEN/AUD exchange rate over the past 90 days
For the last 90 days (05 17, 2024 — 08 14, 2024) the Nuevo Sol exchange rate against the Australian Dollar currency changed by 0.64% (0.4 AUD — 0.41 AUD)
Change in the PEN/AUD exchange rate over the past 365 days
For the last 365 days (08 16, 2023 — 08 14, 2024) the Nuevo Sol exchange rate against the Australian Dollar currency changed by -2.68% (0.42 AUD — 0.41 AUD)
Change in the PEN/AUD exchange rate for all time
For all the time our site has been running (04 10, 2020 — 08 14, 2024) the Nuevo Sol exchange rate against the Australian Dollar currency changed by -13.42% (0.47 AUD — 0.41 AUD)
Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar price prediction
Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar price prediction for the next 30 days*
16/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.84 % |
17/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.34 % |
18/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.11 % |
19/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -0.23 % |
20/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.1 % |
21/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.04 % |
22/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.58 % |
23/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.25 % |
24/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.19 % |
25/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.78 % |
26/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.14 % |
27/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.18 % |
28/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.02 % |
29/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.34 % |
30/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.21 % |
31/08 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.45 % |
01/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.07 % |
02/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.07 % |
03/09 | 0.43 AUD | ▲ 1.1 % |
04/09 | 0.43 AUD | ▼ -0.03 % |
05/09 | 0.43 AUD | ▲ 0.44 % |
06/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.84 % |
07/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.34 % |
08/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.86 % |
09/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.53 % |
10/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.32 % |
11/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 0.07 % |
12/09 | 0.42 AUD | ▼ -0.46 % |
13/09 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -0.46 % |
14/09 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.02 % |
* — Price prediction of the Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar currency pair are compiled by our specialists based on statistical data, global trends and major business news. Price prediction for 30 days, 3 months, and a year are made by different experts and may have slight differences.
Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar price prediction for the next 3 months*
19/08 — 25/08 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.16 % |
26/08 — 01/09 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -0.01 % |
02/09 — 08/09 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.04 % |
09/09 — 15/09 | 0.4 AUD | ▼ -1.96 % |
16/09 — 22/09 | 0.4 AUD | ▼ -0.75 % |
23/09 — 29/09 | 0.39 AUD | ▼ -0.31 % |
30/09 — 06/10 | 0.4 AUD | ▲ 1.02 % |
07/10 — 13/10 | 0.4 AUD | ▲ 1.51 % |
14/10 — 20/10 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 1.14 % |
21/10 — 27/10 | 0.42 AUD | ▲ 2.03 % |
28/10 — 03/11 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -2.73 % |
04/11 — 10/11 | 0.4 AUD | ▼ -0.33 % |
Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar price prediction for the next year*
09/2024 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -0.03 % |
10/2024 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 0.2 % |
11/2024 | 0.4 AUD | ▼ -2.09 % |
12/2024 | 0.39 AUD | ▼ -1.54 % |
01/2025 | 0.39 AUD | ▲ 0.82 % |
02/2025 | 0.4 AUD | ▲ 1.38 % |
03/2025 | 0.41 AUD | ▲ 2.66 % |
04/2025 | 0.41 AUD | ▼ -1.09 % |
05/2025 | 0.39 AUD | ▼ -3.1 % |
06/2025 | 0.39 AUD | ▼ -1.67 % |
07/2025 | 0.4 AUD | ▲ 3.83 % |
08/2025 | 0.4 AUD | ▼ -1.21 % |
Nuevo Sol/Australian Dollar exchange rate statistics
For 30 days | |
Minimum | 0.4 AUD |
Maximum | 0.41 AUD |
Weighted Average | 0.41 AUD |
For 90 days | |
Minimum | 0.39 AUD |
Maximum | 0.41 AUD |
Weighted Average | 0.4 AUD |
For 365 days | |
Minimum | 0.39 AUD |
Maximum | 0.42 AUD |
Weighted Average | 0.41 AUD |
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you can also share a link to the Nuevo Sol (PEN) to Australian Dollar (AUD) exchange rate on the forum, copy the code and paste it on the site:
Popular PEN/AUD exchange amounts
- 200 PEN → 81.1 AUD
- 5 PEN → 2.03 AUD
- 1000 PEN → 405.48 AUD
- 50 PEN → 20.27 AUD
- 5000 PEN → 2,027 AUD
- 500 PEN → 202.74 AUD
- 2000 PEN → 810.96 AUD
- 100 PEN → 40.55 AUD
- 1 PEN → 0.41 AUD
- 2 PEN → 0.81 AUD
- 10 PEN → 4.05 AUD
Our expert
All forecasts on our website are made by our professional financial experts. Here are just a few of them:
Anthony Carter CEO, lead analyst
David Bailey Managing Director, Director of research Department
Anthony Glenn Deputy head of analytical Department
Joseph Hensley Senior analyst, markets and equities Department
See also
- 50 BWP → 358.04 ANC
- 5 CDF → 0.78 KMF
- 10 MKD → 0.1790704 TUSD
- 2 XTZ → 2.587562 EOS
- 1 TRX → 0.46 TMT
- 5000 TRX → 41,525 DOCK
- 50 DOGE → 96.41 MXN
- 2 DOGE → 34.2699 QLC
- 2000 BTG → 356,707 ICX
- 100 GNT → 374.92 ZWL
- 5 TOMO → 84,854 STAK
- 2 RDD → 0.06 YER
- 2 GAS → 61,592 STAK
- 2 TNB → 0 XDR
All information on currency exchange rates provided on our website is for informational purposes and is not official documentation and may not have legal force.
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