Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)

1 Beatrice, Monday, Nov. 16, 1942 BEATRICE DAILY SUN PAGE FIVE ECONOMY LASTING SATISFACTION TODAY more than ever, the value of local, friendly service throughout the life of your home loan is becoming increasingly important. Being a local institution, managed by local people, we've a sincere desire in seeing you through to complete debt-free ownership. Bring your home financing problems to us! The State Savings and Loan Association Sixth and Ella Streets For Better COAL Call WE SELL STOKERS 78 Day-Graf Ins. AGENCY 516 Ella St.

Phone 342 Exclusive Agents for TRAVELERS INS. CO. Sales and W. "Bill' Day F. H.

Graf -Marriage licenses were rued at Fairbury last week to Harold V. Prell, 23, Bremen, and 1 Lois L. Rohlfs, 21, Hollenberg, Anton Hoffman Anna Houser, both of Swanton, and both over: 21. The latter couole was married by Judge Gallamore. Birth A daughter was born vesterday at the Lutheran hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. H. Hoffman his city. -Mrs. Carl Schulte of Adams has entered a local hospital treatment.

She is the wife of Rev. Schulte, pastor of the American Lutheran churches at Adams Filley. -A number of friends in city of the late J. Carl Glenn drove Wymore today to attend funeral which was held at Episcopal church there. -Nancy Jane Wilson of Burchard underwent a tonsil operaion at the Mennonite hospital morning.

-Farmers in this section of state report. that winter wheat looks promising. Most.of the fields. are being pastured to stock. Glenn Larimore, who has been stationed Miabi, has been transferred LO Athens, Ga.

He is in the radio television corps of the army. -Rites for Mrs. Tena WolkenFuneral services for Mrs. Tena Wolken, pioneer of Gage county, who passed away. last, week at, home two miles east of -the Henover Lutheran church, were held yesterday morning from the home and 1 at 11:30 o'clock from the church, and were largely attended by relatives and friends.

Rev. B. Reents gave the sermon, and interment was in the church cemtery. The deceased was 84 years age and is survived by four chilren, two sons and two daughters. Royal Arch Masons at Fairbury Elect Officers -Dr.

M. Banks has been elected priest the Fairbury Royal Arch Masons. other officers are Harry Park, ring: S. E. Gallamore, scribe; J.

Lynn Thornton, secretary, and Francis Hedges, treasurer. New Pastor at Plymouth--Rev. Blessin of Buffalo, this state, has seen called to the pastorate of the Lutheran church east of Plymouth, ucceeding Rev. Joseph Gerken, ho accepted a call from the Telumseh church. Rev.

Blessin and amily expect to move to their ew charge. soon. Grain Market Stronger--The 1o- pal grain market showed more trength today with wheat quoted $1.11, white corn 80 and yellow lorn, 1. 65, Two cents a bushel highfor oats was the quotation, the pp being 40 cents. Services for K.

B. Morris -Fueral services for K. B. Morris, 77, tho passed Away last week at his ome at Fairbury, following an exended Jilness, were held yesteray from the Presbyterian church that place, Rev. Merle Q.

StevInson officiating. Interment was Fairbury cemetery. Survivors nclude his wife and a number of hildren. New Highway Opened for TrafAfter nearly two years of. raiting, the black-top highway com 1 Pawned City to.

Table Rock, as opened for traffic last week, nd from all appearances it apears to be an excellent piece pad work, says the Pawnee Chief. Vhile it did take as long to build his highway the six and one-half hiles from Pawnee City to. Table Lock as it did to lay the Rock Isand tracks across Pawnee county the eighties, priorities, due to he war are said to have had a reat deal to do with the length of me it has taken, in recent months. Pawnee City people now ave a hard surfaced road from ere to Table Rock, Humboldt, on ast, and thence north and south. -YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER HOT FLASHES If you suffer from hot flashes, disziness, distress of are weak, nervous, due to the functional "middle-age" period in woman's life -try Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It's helped thousands upon thousands of women to relieve such annoying symptoms. Follow label directions. Pinkham's Compound is worth trying! FILIBUSTER Sen. Theodore Bilbo (4-Miss.) his colleagues that he was warned, "talk until Christmas" to block passage of the controversial headed poll for tax the bill, senate and "chamber with armloads of books planned to read there in a fIlibuster.

Personals Herman Schmidt of Odell was in the city Saturday and called at the Sun office. Harry Cissna was in the Hanover township yesterday to take charge of the funeral of Mrs. Tena Wolken. Mr. and Leon Dressen of Mira.

Council Bluffs, spent the weekend in the city with friends. Floyd Fuller of this city was at Pickrell today, called there by the illness and death of his father, Leslie B. Fuller. Rev. Carl Schulte of Adams was in the city today to attend the bedside of Mrs.

Schulte, who is receiving treatment at a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bronson of Lincoln spent the week-end in the city with friends. John Haynes of Omaha, who has been in the city the past few days on business, returned home today.

Sgt. Alonzo Becks, who has been on a 15-day furlough for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Becks of this city, returned today to Camp Clark, where he has been stationed for some time. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph of Kansas City, who have Easterday, ing in town for a few days, returned dome restsodey. They were. one-time residents of Lincoln. Mr.

and Mrs. Adolph Beezley of Omaha spent the weekend in the city with friends, Carl Glenn of Long Beach, is at Wymore on account of the death of his father. He formerly resided at that place. Mr. and Mrs.

H. Morris of Denver: "who have beeh visiting in the city, returned home today. W. R. Billings of Sioux Falls, (S.

was a business visitor in the city today. Ray H. Fuller of this city was at Pickrell today because of the death of his brother, Leslie B. Fuller. Ernest Spreague of St.

Joseph was in town today on a short business trip. David Hummer of the Steinauer vicinity was looking after business in the city today. Richard D. Mudrow. who has been stationed for some time in the air corps at Warrensburg, visited here Saturday, the guest of Mary Sturmer.

He was enroute to Texas, to which place he has been transferred. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Smith of Topeka, have returned home after a visit in the city with relatives and friends. Mr.

and Mrs. George Seifert of the Steele City vicinity were shopping in the city Saturday and visiting with friends. Donald Harris of the Sterling vicinity was looking after business in the city today. Mr. and Mrs.

A. A. Raymer of Lincoln were week-end visitors in the city. Emil Johnson: of the DeWitt was county seat visitor Saturday. D.

D. Early of Lincoln WAS business visitor in the city 1 Ray Little of Atchison, was a business visitor in the city today. Thomas Herron of the Kinney neighborhood was in the city today. Obituary Mrs. E.

K. Harrod Mrs. Elizabeth Kyle Harrod, 87, Saline county pioneer, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E.

Donahue in Omaha, Friday, November 6, 1942, She was born in Canada, June 16, 1855. In 1874 she came to Wilber with her parents. In 1879, she was united in marriage to John Harrod. Mr. and Mrs.

Harrod moved to Crete in 1900 where Mr. Harrod passed away in 1932. Mrs. Harrod was a charter member and a past matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, and an active. member of the Congregational church in Crete as long as she was able to attend.

Rev. J. A. Balzer conducted vices at the church in Crete lowed by Eastern Star seryices, Sunday, November 8. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs.

Mary Exton, Clinton, N. Mrs. Kyle Donahue, Omaha, and Mrs. Maude Darling, Crete, and one son, J. Harrod, Philadelphia, Penn.

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IN BEATRICE AND ELSEWHERE Announcements For Tuesday Business and Professional Women's club dinner W. C. A. 6 P. m.

club meets at home of Mrs. John Dobbs, 1008 Bell with Mrs. Wilson hostess. Elks dinner dance. Raymond Johnson, Leslie Noble committee.

Larry Herman orchestra. ford McGinnis hostess 1:30 desTuesday, bridge club, Mrs. Clifsert. Neighborhood bridge club, Dr. and Mrs.

John Krim hostess 8 p. m. Glenover Mother Singers meet at 7:30 at Glenover school house. Ak-Sar-Ben Council 3677 meet for a 7 o'clock dinner at Burton's Cafe. Lodge meeting following at the W.

D. Wright home on South 10th. The Diaconia class will have a 1:30 dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Trefz, 1100 North 11th street. Committee, Mrs.

Weigel, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. White and Mrs. Klumpp. Mrs.

McCown will lead the devotions and Mrs. Hester will have charge of the program American Citizenship. Senior W. W. which was postponed last week, will meet at.

657 West Court street. Announces Betrothal Miss Harmon, daughter of HarGenevieve, mon, entertained twenty-four guests at a dessert luncheon at the Cornhusker in Lincoln yesterday afternoon announcing her enriage to Robert 0m- gagement and approaching, maraha, son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ludwick of Lincoln. Miss Harmon is a member Delta Gamma sorority and Mr.

Ludwick is affiliated with the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Mr. Ludwick is studying medicine in Omaha. Beatrice gusts at the luncheon were Mrs. Robert Harmon, Miss Versa Maye Suiker, Mrs. Charles Dinnis and Mrs.

Robert Drew. The wedding date has been set for December 11. Eastern Star Kensington Star kensington 1:30 desAt the temple Friday, Eastern sert luncheon meeting with covers for 20. Mrs. Homer Grimes was hostess and Mrs.

Scott. chairman. Mrs. Scamman was elected president to take the place of Mrs. Bradford for the remainder of the year.

The day was spent in Red Cross sewing. Chautauqua Study Club The Chautauqua Study club met at the home of Mrs. A. D. Rice.

Mrs. Rickers gave an interest-. ing review of "No other road to Freedom' by Leland Stowe. The author is a reporter for the' Chicago Daily News and was sent by Frank Knox, then its to visit the warring countries of Europe at. the outbreak.

of the ent war and the book gives his impressions of the conditions. In the study. -of our government such subjects as the census, the patent office and public health were discussed. Mrs. Jasper Martin led the meeting.

Virginia Helping Hand Club Mrs. Frank Hubka was hostess to the Virginia Helping Hand club on Thursday afternoon at the Virginia Inn with a good attendance. The meeting was opened singing the last verse of the Star Spangled Banner. Roll call was answered by telling where you were what you were doing when the news of the Armistice was reported. The bond sale committee reported the very satisfactory sum of $2,175 worth of bonds and stamps sold at the community bond sale November 11.

The club wishes to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the many donations of items for the sale and to the following for their very generous donation of time and labor to help make the sale a success: Miss Catherine Swartz, Mr. Freddie Wignall, Mrs. Dan Larimore, Col. F. E.

Kinney, Mr. Milton Fisher, Mr. Walter Ericson, Mrs. James Libal, and the Z. C.

B. J. lodge for the use of the hall. One letter was written to a sick member, and a letter of thanks from one of our soldiers, Bob Swain, was read. Joe Weiss, was program leader.

She showed and explained some Interesting pictures of current world news, The following were winners in the picture puzzle. contest Frank Shuster, Mrs. Freddie Wignall, Mrs. Alfred Snyder, Mrs. Carl Hedding and Mrs.

Frank Chandall. Little Georgie Wignall, Sonia Wignall, Nola White, Lorena Weiss and Viva Weary entertained with songs and were generously rewarded by Mrs. Alfred Snyder. Lovely refreshments were served. The next.

will be Wednesday, November at the home of Mrs. Wes Fry with Mrs. Freddie, Wignall as program leader, Farewell Party Miss Judeen Carpenter had a surprise farewell slumber party on Miss Modez Deputy, who is leaving for Miami, Monday. Members of Gradale society attended, these being: Elaine Wrightsman, Modez Deputy, Juddeen Carpenter and Velma Snyder. 15th Anniversary Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Rademacher celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary November 8 with a cafeteria dinner for 15 guests, who were Mr. and Mrs. T. W.

Sargent, Misses Pauline and Beulah Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Marion gent and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sargent and family.

Two lovely cakes graced the table and Mrs. Rademacher was presented a pyrex shower. Council Four Council four entertained at the home of Mrs. E. E.

Powell with an attendance of 26. Mrs. Carl Jasperson gave the devotions, choos- Gottula and Mrs. George Hines poured. ing as her subject "Christmas Soldiers." Mrs.

Flora Bradley is to be chairman of the plate supper to be held at the church Wednesday, November 18. The December meetwith a gift exchange at the home ing to be: a Christmas party of Mrs. W. W. Shear.

The hostess, assisted by Mrs. B. H. Buckman as chairman, and Mesdames George Roy Barnard and William Bridgewater, served lovely refreshments from a beautiful appointed table in keeping with Thanksgiving, Mrs. E.

E. Powell poured. Social Aid Social Aid met at the home of Mrs. Hazel Copeland with Miss Sadie Jerman As hostess. The meeting opened by singing America.

The scripture was read by Miss Jerman. Roll call was answered by nine. It was voted to have a Christmas and meeting at the home C. Johannes, Dedinner, cember 16, at 12 o'clock, and each member is to bring a 25 cent gift to exchange also, Wednesday night. The bazaar, which was to be held Nov.

14 at Safeway, will be held at the home Mrs. Fred Schmidt, 1405. High street, November 19, at 2:30 for members only. Bring your donation. Altar Society St.

Joseph's Altar society. met in the club rooms with Linda Graff, Mrs. Harold Graff and Blanch Compton as hostesses. Reports were given by the calling committee on sick members. Social Neighbors Club Social Neighbors club met at the home of Mrs.

Buhr with 12 members present. Names were drawn for the Christmas party. Mrs. Ubben joined the club. The December meeting will be 8 dish luncheon at the covered, Mrs.

Cora McKissick. Lovely refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Wymore Society and News Pre- Nuptial Shower For Brides The two young ladies who were recently married at double wedding, were honored Tuesday evening at a pre-nuptial shower the home of Mrs. J. D.

Jones. They were her niece, Miss Ethel Jones, and Miss Agnes Armstrong, who WAS wed to Ethel's brother, and whose brother, George, became Ethel's husband. During. the evening several games were played by the 50 guests and prizes were awarded to I Mrs. T.

C. Jones and Joe Armstrong. To find their many lovely gifts, the girls were required to follow certain instructions. Notes in balloons revealed to Agnes where she would find her's, and. Ethel wound yards and yards -of string to find the hiding place of her gifts.

The colors. gold a and brown predominated the decorations of the room and a dainty lunch of sandwiches, Bavarian cream, chocolate mints and coffee was served from a table centered with an imitation wedding cake with a tiny bride and groom standing on the top. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Elwin Jones, Mrs. L.

L. Jones, Mrs. Ted Gerdes and Miss Eloise Jones. Circle Two W. 8.

C. S. Mrs. C. B.

Scott, Mrs. Warren Robinson and Mrs. J. C. Lowson were hostesses at the former's home Wednesday afternoon Circle Two of the W.

S. C. S. the for Methodist church. There were 20 in attendance.

Mrs. James Boettcher was the lesson leader and Mrs. Roy Chase led the devotions. A delicious lunch of tuna fish salad, hot clover rolls, cinnamon rolls and coffee were served. Ladies Night at rBotherhood The ladies were invited to attend the Brotherhood dinner Tuesday evening at the Methodist church bringing the number served to fifty.

The tables were attractively decorated with red, white and blue holding flags, suggestive of Armistice day. Following the dinner pictures, showing conditions in foreign countries before and after the war, were shown by. Charles Mann of Beatrice. They had been prepared Coca-Cola Bottling Co, Rev. Bankert, the new pastor of the Methodist and Presbyterian church in Blue Springs, gave a talk and Frank Crawford told of plans for civilian defense for southern Gage county.

Visiting Mother and Sister Mrs. Cecil Neumann went to Salina, Tuesday to be with her mother, Mrs. Anna Krueger, on her. birthday, and to visit her sister, Miss Karolyn Krueger. Circle Three W.

S. C. S. Circle Three of the W. S.

C. S. met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Schafer with an attendance of thirty-four. Mrs.

E. S. Faris conducted the devotional period and Rev. Lowson presented the lesson. Mrs.

Carl Temple was ill and not able to be present, so the vice chairman, Mrs. George Hines, presided at the business meeting. The center piece for the serving table was a large Uncle Sam hat with fruit flowing from it and giving a further patriotic idea in keeping with the day, which was Armistice, The ladies served white caked topped with fruit-filled whipped jello topped with whipped cream sprinkled with blue sugar and dotted with a maraschino cherry. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. O.

A. Izer and Mrs. O. R. "I SAT UP IN BED Trying to get a little sleep.

Stomach upset. Since using ADLERIKE I feel so good! Am 64 years old and dy my own work." (E. P.Okla.) I gas in stomach or intestines bothers. YOU, try ADLERIKA, today, A. T.

Drug Store. Beck's Pharmacy, and Warren Drug Co. Returned From Washington, D. C. Mrs.

Jean Fauver and daughter Charlotte and little nephew, Larry Haack are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haack, at their home in Lincoln. Henry Haack, has joined the navy and his little son will make his home with his aunt. Mr.

Fauver has been transferred to Detroit, Mich, and his wife and the children will join him there in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Zugmier and family, her. father Oscar Fauver, Mr.

Mrs. Robin Brubaker and family wept to Lincoln last Sunday to visit with them and Fauver remained for a longer visit. Attend Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jack Terhune and the latter's mother, Mrs.

Effie Sheldon were guests last Sunday at birthday dinner for' John Schiek at his home in Beatrice. To Superior Mrs. S. A. Merwin spent a few days last in Superior with her husband, is roadmaster for the Burlington and has been working there for a few weeks.

Returned From Hospital Mrs. Oral Tatro, who has been receiving treatment at the University hospital in Omaha, has turned home. Visited Relatives in Topeka Mrs. W. O.

Gustin and daughter, Mrs. Howard Ray and Gary, went to Topeka last Friday and spent a few days with the former's son Keith her sister, Mrs. C. T. Wilcox and husband.

Attend Brother's Funeral Mrs. Gerald King returned Friday morning from Craig. where she had attended the funeral of her brother, W. A. Taylor, who passed away Monday at a hospital in St.

Joseph, Mo. Sun Want Ads Bring Results. FUNNY BUSINESS a one too 11-18 BY MEA SERVICE, INC. T. US.

PAY 60 "I lost my bayonet!" DR, E. N. INGHAM Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon General Practice Suite 221, Arcade Bldg. Beatrice, Nebr. Residence, Paddock Hotel -Charged with intoxication, Louis Engler pleaded guilty in police court this morning and was fined $20 and $5 costs, which he is serving out in jail.

-Tom Hrdlicka, an employe of the city, is reported 1 ill at his home from an attack of influenza. -George Schramm of Pawnee county, who suffered a broken leg recently in a fall while visiting at Clatonia, is reported slowly improving. He was taken to a Beatrice hospital after the accident. Farm Home Destroyed The Harm Meyer farm home southeast of Powell was destroyed by fire last week, only part of the furnishings and some clothes being saved. The loss was partially covered by insurance.

It is not known how the fire started. No one was at home at the time. Married by Judge- Case A. Bonebrake, 21, and Marie B. Rijek, 21, students of Kansas State college at Manhattan, were married by County Judge Noble Sunday evening.

-In county court today a judgment was entered the case of Star Peerless Wallpaper against Constable Drug for $156.50. Foreclosure Christine Buss brought suit today for foreclosure of a mortgage against Jacob S. Yoder. The property is lot 6, block Glenover, the amount to be recovered including interest is $540. Collide at Bridge--Deputy Sheriff Reynolds reports accident on a.

bridge two miles west and one north of town, Sunday morning when the cars of Vernon and MrA. 'Bertha Bindernaget cot lided, with only fender damage. Funeral of Glenn The last rites for J. Carl Glenn, 51, retired Burlington train dispatcher who died suddenly at his home in Wymore Friday morning, were hedl this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Episcopal church, relatives and friends gathering there to pay their respects. Rev.

H. Er Asboe of Christ Episcopal church, Beatrice, was in charge of the services, at the close of which the body was taken to Table Rock. former home of the deceased, for interment. The Masonic lodge was in charge at the grave. Mr.

Glenn had lived in Wymore for 31 years, and retired five years ago because of ill health. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Capt. Ned Glenn, who is overseas with the U. S. forces, and Carl, Oakland, Calif.

Menus Of The Day By Mrs. Alexander George SOUP HIGH IN NUTRITION Meat drippings put extra zip and nutrition in soups. Store the drippings in covered jar in refrigerator and use up within two days for best flavor. They can be usel in place of butter or other fat called for in the recipe. Dinner Serving 2 or 3 Victory Soup Toasted Rusks (Leftovers) Dill Pickle Strps Grapefruit Salad Cooked Dried or Canned Apricots Sam's Cookies Milk or Buttermilk Victory Soup (Migh In Cheese) 2 tablespoons butter 1 tabelspoon minced onion 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups chicken stock 2-3 cup grated or finely sliced cheese celery seed teaspoon minced parsley teaspoon 1-8 teaspoon paprika 1-3 cup cooked peas cup cooked green beans Melt butter and add onion.

Simmer 5 minutes. Add flour and blend. Add stock and cheese. Cook slowly, until soup thickens and becomes creamy. Add rest of ingredients.

Mix and, serve in hot bowls. Sprinkle with broken crisp crackers. Sam's Cookies (Patriotic and Appetizing) 1-3 cup shortening cup sugar 1 egg, beaten cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins or dates cups flour teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg and juices. Beat a minute.

Lightly mix in rest of ingredients. Chill dough and break off small portions and flatten on greased baking sheets. Bake 10 minutes in moderate oven. Never put cold water into hot enameled cooking utensils. Soak them in warm soapy water.

Coldwater might cause the enamel to crack, Nebraskan Named To Head Radio System CHICAGO, Nov. 16,. (P)-Miller McClintock of New native of Cedar Rapids, yesterday Tortes was appointed the first salaried president of the Mutual broadcasting system, it was announced by W. E. MacFarlane of Chicago, who has been the system's president since its inception in 1934.

McClintock, a 48-year-old advertising executive, will take over the network's presidency as soon as his successor as executive director of the advertising council has been named, possibly before Dec. 1. He has been chief executive of the traffic audit bureau, technical director of the advertising research foundation, and advisor to the can manufacturing industry. MacFarlane said the move had unanimous approval of the stockholders. HELPS PREVENT COLDS the Developing sniffle or sign of nasal irritation, put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril.

Its quick action aids nature's defenses VICKS against colds. directions in folder. VA-TRO-NOL Saving is easy, convenient Every Day U.S. NEEDS US STRONG Low Prices! EAT NUTRITIONAL FOOD A trial will convince you that our everyday on low prices food list. you Shop the here greatest tomorrow savings KATE SMITH'S your Special or any day always the same low prices: all week.


CORNED BEEF (LIMIT) Can PORK BEANS VAN CAMPS (Limit) 8 1-lb. size cans can 17s 27e AMAIZO OATS 5 Lb. Bag SYRUP CINNAMON 156 Gallon Amaizo Can GOLDEN Lb. MALTED MILK 5 Box 1.10 SYRUP COCOA 1 Lb. 10c SUGAR LB.

61 KRAFT CHEESE SPREAD Glass 5-Oz. New LINAL 24-OUNCE GERBERS BABY FOOD Can PACKAGE 18c THE NEW AND BETTER SOAP PRUNES 20-80 size 4 FOR EVERY PURPOSE DOES PRUNES 20-80 size: 25 Lb. Box $2.75 WASHING FIGS KODOTA Can SPARK PEAS 2 Cans -Saves Time, Money, Hands SANDWICH SPREAD Quart Box Giant DILL PICKLES Sliced Quart PEANUT BUTTER PAN PETER 15-oz. Jar Lh. JELLY MOTTS 2 Jar 25 Blitz Hard Water TAPIOCA French's Hasty Box with BLUE BARREL PUREX Quart SOAP The Big Pound Bar Each BROOMS goes twice as far CHEESE CHEDDAR LB.


FOR FOR GEESE GRAPEFRUIT Bag 1.29 Balance of this week only Buy Your War Savings Stamps Herel BEATRICE POULTRY CO. North 3rd St. C. H. Suiker.

Mgr. Phone 317.

Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.